Waypoint Not in Contribution Management

Back on Nov. 29, I submitted a unique local business as a Waypoint via Pokémon Go. As of today, it has still not shown up on my Contribution Management page. I have contacted Niantic about this via multiple channels, including Wayfarer Support on the help page (Niantic Wayfarer), Twitter/X, and via email.

Can someone from Niantic please respond and tell me what is going on and advise me on how to proceed with this pending submission.

Do you have an email that says it was submitted? If not, maybe it is stuck on your Upload Later, or failed to upload for some reason?


I am not from Niantic, but if it isn’t still pending upload and you did not get an email, then it failed to upload and is simply lost. You will have to remake and submit it again.

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Yes, and usually submissions appear on the Contribution Management page within minutes.

Since this post, I have heard back from Niantic on X, who stated the social media team cannot directly address Wayfarer matters. Rather than resubmit, they advised me to open up a support ticket and await further clarification, so it looks like I’m playing the waiting game.

oh interesting! i am going to follow this post. please let us know if they can recover it. in the past, it has simply been lost.

Will do. It’s entirely possible the submission just bugged out, but hopefully the support team’s response will clarify matters.

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Staff do monitor the forums, so they may see your post and take a look at why the nomination isn’t in your Contribution Management.

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Hi @blcdude, I looked at your submissions and believe you are referring to “Shapiro Path Gazebo”. If this is the one, it was not processed successfully which can happen either due to due to network lag or the image file is not in a supported format. Additionally, I could see that there is already a Live Wayspot for the same object.


To clarify, that is not the Waypoint I’m referring to.

The Waypoint I’m referring to is “Brickify,” a local business/collectible store, and was resubmitted at the request of Niantic staff on Nov. 29. I had initially resubmitted it on Aug. 17 with a photo of the business’s permanent signage per the request of Niantic. Having previously been submitted with a photo of the business’s colorful banner, Niantic staff instructed the Waypoint be submitted with a photo of its permanent signage. After submitting it with a photo of its permanent signage, Niantic staff instructed the Waypoint be resubmitted with a photo of its colorful banner. I’ve done as Niantic asks on this matter, multiple times, and the new submission hasn’t made it to my Contribution Management page.

I’m genuinely confused as how you concluded I was talking about the Shapiro Path Gazebo. That was submitted way back in September 2022, was accepted, and is a gazebo, not a local business.

Hi again @blcdude, the only submission I could locate was “Shapiro Path Gazebo” which was not successfully processed. There might be some network/lag issue and the nomination did not go through for “Brickify” for the second time. I would recommend resubmitting it again.

Fair enough. I’ll file that as under bizarre, as I submitted the Shapiro Path Gazebo more than two years ago, is on my Contribution Management page, and was accepted by the community.

Putting that aside, the latest iteration of Brickify didn’t process and won’t result in duplicate nominations should I put it through again.

@blcdude Yes, you can resubmit improving the description of how this business is unique and distinct to the community which will increase the odds of approval.

Happy Exploring!

Are you familiar with Upload Later? It sounds like you may need to use this feature for this nomination. That allows you to click submit, but the nomination stays in local memory on your device until you get to an area with reliable network. Then you can upload your saved submissions. Many wait until they are at home on their wi-fi connection.

First, sorry for bumping this. Second, having uploaded this again, Brickify still isn’t showing up in my Contribution Management.

Have I been shadowbanned from submitting new Waypoints? I can’t imagine why- I don’t do so frequently (I submitted 10 last year, 9 of which were accepted, and I have a “great” rating), but can you check for me?

(And to address the other post, I am familiar with and have used the Upload Later function.)

Can you provide a few more details to help establish what might be happening please.
Have you been submitted any other nominations successfully?
Was this a fresh submission at the location with new photos, or did you use previous photos?
Did you create the new submission from a distance but on wifi?
Did you get a confirmation email - presume not but its as well to check.
It helps to have as many details as possible in trying to diagnose an issue.

There are no shadow bans.
If you get a ban from wayfarer you get emails and an onscreen warning. If none of that has occurred then it most likely to be a technical problem.

I do not see any recent submissions from your account. Did you receive any confirmation email regarding your submission? If not, the submission did not go through.

There is no such thing. You’d receive emails if you’re suspended from Wayfarer.

Not from the most recent submission, no. I think I have an email (or had, I’m not sure if I still do) from the previous submissions.

I’m just doing the best I can jumping through every hoop presented, and it’s just tiring and demoralizing. It really makes me feel like I don’t matter as a player and Wayfarer.

And I hate that I’m saying that publicly. I wish you could have messaged me that privately instead.

You can ask for a DM and staff can reply that way. I don’t see anything here that I would have thought was an issue to be public. I have had staff DM me without a request from me when they thought the answer might not be appropriate to answer publicly.

Without going into all the gory details, we all have different comfort levels.

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Just wanted you to know from a fellow explorer who is not an ambassador with special access to staff that they do try to be sensitive and will do DM’s. I have also had issues I did not want discussed in public. I hope those gory details get sorted out soon.