I requested two Wayspots, one opposite each other, both approved, but only one appears on the game map. This is the third Pokéstop I’ve requested and it hasn’t appeared. What can be done?
They are most likely in the same level 17 s2 cell as another wayspot.
Here is a good article about s2 cells:
Welcome @odeiobabyvegeta
Some additional background to what @LCDAngel99 has already shared:
Niantic has several games currently (Ingress, Pokémon Go, Pikman Bloom, Peridot, and MHNow). Two games, Ingress and Pokémon Go encourage players at high levels to nominate new wayspots, though the use game immersive language Portals and Pokespots.
Once reviewed and if they are accepted the wayspots are included in the Lightship database. Then each game can choose to include these locations on their game boards. Each game has different inclusion rules. Ingress enforces 20 meter spacing between their selected wayspots. While the rest of the games seem to use various sized cells to have a certain density.
So as already linked, your accepted way spots appear to share the same cell in Pokémon Go, so only one of them can show up in that game board
Please send the coordinates of your proposal to verify what has happen.
I have the same problem 3 wayspots here aproved but 1 never show up here are its cordinates ( -34198471 , -70894833)
If you nominate a poi in pokemon go you see blue stops and yellow orange ! The ! Is poi already in other game that cant be added in pokemon go. If i am correct
Not sure but you need to download all assest in pokemon go ad settings advanced settings if you dont see the poi blue circkels on the map
, can also help prevent send duplicates
Hello and welcome @Jameskinson
The 3 are in the data base.
Each game sets its own rules as to what it will take from Lightship to use in that particular game.
For Pokémon Go the rules revolve around the use of some mapping software commonly referred to as S2 cells it breaks down the surface into smaller and smaller cells - each size is referred to as level and a number.
This explains it well
The key is that in Pokémon Go only accepts 1 wayspot in each Level 17 cell, so if there is already a pokestop or gym in the game, in that cell, yours will not be selected to enter Pokémon Go.
This is what has happened in your case.
So this won’t appear in Pokémon Go.
There are very few wayspots in your area so do look around for other eligible places to submit and if you need help do ask in Nomination Support
“Cancha villa el esfuerzo” is within 20m of “Sede de junta de vecinos villa el esfuerzo” so will not become a portal.
It’s also in the same level 17 s2 cell, so will not become a pokething.
It would be good to move it to the edge of the court, where it would be out of the field of play.
Hello @elijustrying thanks for your help! And I was wondering if the spot could be move to this place (-34.1984413, -70.8946644) it’s another cell and it’s still in the “cancha” area or how i can suggest a move, because doesn’t show in pogo or ingress
I am not sure what lines you are looking at. This position is a better place for the pin and would allow the Wayspot to become a portal, but would not put it in an empty L17 S2 cell
Moves that can’t be done through the games can be done through help chat. Access the help menu on the Wayfarer site and a text bubble will pop up. A bot will ask for information, but a human will get back to you with a decision.
The white line grid is the satelitte images not knitting together smoothly, I get this and it’s confusing.
The lines on the image I showed up you are the S2 grid lines and are different.
@cyndiepooh has described how to move it, it is not in a good position but you must remain on the object and that will not take it into a different S2 cell.
Yeah thanks u all I learned alot to make better proposals next time
Let us know if you are sucessful or need more advice
Same thing happened to my new pokestop that got approved monday morning, but still not in game yet and its over 48 hrs already.
Welcome @Tygasingh
Niantic has several games currently (Ingress, Pokémon Go, Pikman Bloom, Peridot, and MHNow). Two games, Ingress and Pokémon Go encourage players at high levels to nominate new wayspots, though the use game immersive language Portals and Pokespots.
Once reviewed and if they are accepted the wayspots are included in the Lightship database. Then each game can choose to include these locations on their game boards. Each game has different inclusion rules. Ingress enforces 20 meter spacing between their selected wayspots. While the rest of the games seem to use various sized cells to have a certain density.
So as already linked, above (see Pokémon Go Hub article) your accepted way spots appear to share the same cell in Pokémon Go, so only one of them can show up in that game board
So, just to understand the overlapping 20m radius circles of pokestops cant touch each other or just the pokestop locations?
No - each gameboard is independent. Niantic has only confirmed the 20 meter distance in Ingress as what that game follows for inclusion. Pokémon Go and the other Niantic games appear to adhere to cell density to populate their game boards.
The Lightships database has no distance or proximity rules. So if your nomination is accepted it is available to all Niantic games.
Linking this here as it explains what is believed about cell rules:
Gn sir, happened to me I approved 2 wayspots but didn’t pay attention to cell placement. Only 1 showed up in the games… if i ask for edit the location for the one that did not show in the game if approved it will make a difference?