Hi guys,
Before I start, I’m an experienced wayfarer user with dozens of POIs added across my local town so this isn’t the noob question you might be expecting.
I recently (5 days ago) has a nomination accepted for a Post Office. I had precisely positioned the marker exactly where the front of the building is, which comfortably sat in location which would have generated a new POI in PoGo.
I have checked and double checked this and I’m 100% confident on both my placement, and the generation of the new POI.
It hasn’t appeared in either PoGo or Ingress (only two games I’m familiar with the wayfarer rules for) and so I can’t check where it’s actually landed.
I assume, rightly or wrongly, that a location edit was made during the approval process. As I said, my submission was very precise and very much correct - there would have been no reason to suggest a location edit.
My question is how can I find the location where this POI has actually been placed given I can’t see it in either game now?
And secondly, what would be the process for changing this location?
Many thanks for reading.
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Can you provide the coordinates of the Wayspot?
If you go there in person, you can turn on the toggle in the PoGo nomination map screen to see all Wayspots - it only works over a short distance and Ingress doesn’t have this feature at all.
My last in house review, they moved the pin from where I put it at the entrance to a random spot within the building where the Google Maps label was. That one worked out great for me because it freed up a cell, but for some reason they don’t seem to like to leave pins where they are placed right now.
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I just had this experience as well. “our team” has approved the nomination which was great and fast while I was on a trip. So I was excited to spin it while I still could. But for some reason the pin location was moved enough that it fell into an occupied cell in Pokémon Go. I felt I had a good case that my original pin location was correct and no reason why it went out of a free area in PoGo to an occupied one. So I contacted help chat and they did reviewed it. It was agreed to make adjustments but it was still left slightly in the occupied area and not my submitted position. I don’t plan to contact help again as I don’t want to be difficult or look like my goal is just to manipulate the gameboard. Just adding another example here. It’s weird/frustrating because I went out of my way twice to submit and get more pictures and show I’m truly at the POI and looking to submit something that could be added as a wayspot and a pokestop (fairly and accurately).
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Oops I forgot to answer the second question, but @lanakin just did. The process is to use Help Chat from the Help menu on the Wayfarer site. A text bubble will pop up. You can submit geo tagged photos there proving the location if needed. But results may vary as they pointed out.