Wayspot not appearing in Pokémon GO in Bavaria

Hi, why is my Pokestop not in the Game? I know its near to another stop but I see this very often in the big city but why isnt allowed in a small town?

Hi, deine Garagenmalerei kann nicht live gehen, weil sie sich in der selben S2 Level 17 Zelle wie Rutsche und Schaukel befindet. Dafür ist die in Ingress.

Du hast nähere Stops in Städten, weil meistens die Leute dort gecheatet haben, um die Regeln von Pokemon GO zu umgehen. Manchmal sieht das aber auch nur so aus, weil die Zellen günstig liegen, sodass viele Stops auf kleiner Fläche auftauchen.

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Your nomination is in the same Level 17 S2 Cell as “Rutsche und Schaukel”. Each Level 17 S2 Cell can only contain one Pokéstop or one Gym. Here is the cell, indicated by the red lines. Your nomination is the blue icon whilst the existing Pokéstop or Gym is the red icon.

Edit: didn’t see you typing @kawin240 :sweat_smile:

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Danke dir für die ausführliche Antwort :smiling_face:

Thank you for the explaination and the picture! :smiling_face:

Hi, I have split this discussion into a separate topic - @Mimmikyo please in the future don’t post on 4 month old topics but rather start your own so that people can see it and help you. Welcome again and glad the people here were able to help you!

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