Wayspot not appearing in Pokémon GO

My nomination was approved on 14th January, but it doesn’t show up in the game. Any ideas why?

Your wayspot is in the same cell as the Observatory tower.

Hi, welcome! I have split your post into a new thread so that we don’t continue a 6 months old one where your question will not necessarily be seen.

I am assuming you mean “Pokémon GO” by “the game”? This wayspot shares a cell with “Obervertory Tower @ Ujana Perbandaran Park” and is therefore not eligible to appear in Pokémon GO if the other one is already there due to its inclusion rules.

Note that despite the Pokémon GO nomination flow telling you you are nominating a new Pokéstop, the emails you receive afterwards tell you that there is no guarantee your approved wayspots will appear in your game of choice. This is because you are nominating to a global database of Wayspots, some of which are then included by games in accordance with their inclusion rules.

On a side note the sign in the wayspot image does seem out of place.

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The Wayspot does appear in Ingress though :tada: and may appear in other titles too, so it’s not like your Wayspot will be unseen.

Thank you all for the explanation. :slight_smile: :grinning: