
Hello :wave:, I was wondering why this POI after a week of being accepted still doesn’t appear neither in Ingress nor in Pokemon Go, I’ve tripled check and it should fit in both games requirements. Am I missing something?
Here are the coordinates of the POI:
(41.900988, 12.412367)

Looking at this, it got moved during review to

41.901084, 12.412143

It’s within 20m of “Mosaico Sacri Cuori” so won’t appear in Ingress.

It should still be eligible for Pokémon GO, but wouldn’t appear on the IITC map you’re using as it’s not a Portal. You’d have to go and check the Pokémon GO map in person to confirm.

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It is not eligible to appear in Pokémon GO as well.


Ah my mistake then. It looked like it was to me.


Thank you for the clarification :+1:

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