This wayspot was rejected due to people being in the photo. However, the visible person is not the focus of the photo, so that shouldn’t be the reason for rejection. I asked the subreddit if that nomination was acceptable, and they said to submit it here.
I find it odd that the subreddit couldn’t answer this for you, since it’s in the Wayfarer Help Center.
I would still reject this for the face being visible. With tech these days, it’s easy for someone to take a photo from a Wayspot and use it in possibly illegal or nefarious ways. Niantic doesn’t want to wade into anything like this (could end up with legal or cival action against them), hence why photos with faces of people are ineligible per the photo guidelines.
The following should not be submitted and, when reviewing, should be considered as rejection criteria:
Yikes, so sorry, but I think that Niantic was right to reject after seeing the full resolution. I have done similar before, submitted something that looked fine in the thumbnail, but had something in the full photo that made it ineligible. The last time that happened, I began taking my photos first, then cropping or straightening if needed before making my nomination. Then choose the existing photo option when submitting. Hope that helps for the future.
(fwiw, I have done zero investigation into the permanence of this display and am only talking about the face rejection)
I could see the face pretty well without the high-res version, thus I noted I would have rejected.
I submitted a playground this weekend, and there were some kids playing there, as well as parents/grandparents sitting on nearby benches. I could hide those on the benches with the large slide, but I did have to wait until there were no kids visible to get a good photo.
I have as well, and cropping, but that doesn’t alter what’s in the photo.
Almost every main photo I take I use the remaster tool on. It just corrects contrast, brightness, hue, etc, but it doesn’t remove anything from the photo. I may crop a photo to better center it.
Personally, for this car, I would have taken a photo in landscape instead of portrait, and that may have helped to keep people out of the photo, as well as some of the extra background buildings that aren’t necessarily needed. There’s no rule that says photos have to be in portrait; the orientation should be picked to best show the object in question.
On the previous forum I had a problem submitting something that had my own reflection, the shop front was mirrored.
I can’t remember who, sorry, suggested using the magic eraser. It worked well there were plenty of comments along the same line nobody was reported for it.
I’ve seen another thread with the same discussion nobody was reported.
There is always a chance that someone can tell and will reject. It’s not really worth the risk to me, so I don’t use anything like a magic eraser tool.