I am working towards wanting to take over a local group and becoming an ambassador. One problem we have with regulars wanting to join our local park is that there is not enough gyms or pokestops. I am attempting to get stops added but keep getting them rejected when they indeed meet criteria. First example is a Path signage located in the park that shows which walking path goes where. It got rejected for a generic “wayfarer criteria” reason.
Any advice as to how to get past what seems to be initial phase of a robot combing through pictures and automatically denying them? I believe it’s robotic because one path sign got immediately rejected while another still sits in the queue.
You are correct that “Wayfarer criteria” rejection seems to indicate that the nomination was rejected by the ML (machine learning ai) model. Those emails will also say the decision was from “our team” instead of the community.
We can help more if you can post screenshots of the rejected nomination.
(An ambassador was typing, so I assume this is being moved to Nomination Support )
I think I see why that one was rejected and the other not. Probably the description. Now that I know it is indeed ML doing the first groom. I will retake photos, adjust the names and resubmit.
In my experience, a great photo is key, and that goes for bot or human reviewers. The easier it is for the model to decipher what the photos shows, the more likely it is to accept it. And the better the photo is, the more likely humans will be leaning towards accepting. I try to have a clear focus centered on the object, with enough background in the photo to provide context, but not so much that it is distracting. I take my photos first so that I can look at them and straighten or crop as needed, then use the option for existing photo when submitting,.
I need to step away, so I am going to go ahead and post this piece I copy and paste when people are upset that their approved Wayspots don’t show up in Pokemon Go:
I know the prompt tells you that you are submitting a “Pokestop” but you are actually submitting a Wayspot to the Lightship database, which can only become a Pokestop or gym if it is alone in a level 17 S2 cell. This is a good article about S2 cells and PoGo: https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/comprehensive-guide-s2-cells-pokemon-go/