Hello, I report an abuse on a wayspot removal that seems to be unfair, as it meets all the criteria to be restored. Here is informations about the wayspot :
- Wayspot Title: Stade de Vernonnet
- Location (lat/lon): 49°05’44.6"N 1°29’40.4"E
- City: Vernon
- Country: France
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): There is no screenshot has I wasn’t the report’s author of wayspot’s removal
- Additional Information (if any):
It looks like this wayspot has been removed for obscure reasons.
As you can see on the following screenshots, the portal has several pictures on it.
I understand that, according to Google Streetview, none of the objects you can see on the wayspot’s pictures above can be seen, BUT, as you can see the following Google Streetview’s screenshot, the picture is dated to June 2023 :
BUT the latest wayspot’s photo shows that it was submitted the 1st September 2023 (then the photo was accepted on 2nd October 2023), therefore 2 or 3 months after the Google car that captured the Google Streetview’s capture above, as you can see :
It means that the latest wayspot’s photo shows that this is the actual situation on the (unfair) deleted wayspot. It means the wayspot is legit, accessible and meets all the criteria to be restored as it was before the injustified report.
Additionnal information : The stadium is the headquarters of the SPN Vernon (Stade Porte Normande) and is therefore both a cultural and sporting venue. For more information, visit the dedicated Wikipedia page or the dedcated Vernon Rugby’s webpage.