How do some wayspots have no description? Can we still nominate wayspots with no description? If so, how?
Back in the old days, they did not have to have descriptions. But I don’t know how to submit without them now, even though the review flow still says “not required”
@NvlblNm will know if it is possible to still do this =)
I can’t, in good conscience, recommend that anyone attempt to create a blank description. Niantic should set a 256 character minimum.
But if it’s something like a church, then there’s not really a need for a description
They should set a higher minimum for churches. Maybe 384 characters.
People can come up with much better descriptions for churches than the bare minimum “Church”.
Why woudlnt a church need a description? Sure there are words that can describe it.
One church in particular really seems obsessed about the descriptions being there…
There are many Wayspots that are over 10 years old and have no descriptions where I live, so I’ve been working on adding them.
And yes, THAT church…