Waystops not being Accepted

Not sure who gets to approve or decline waystops that people submit. My pokemon community has sumbitted a decent amount of valid stop and a few get accepted and most of them declined. How can a memorial bench get declined if its a literal tag option with valid pictures and description. Seems since some memorial benches of mine get accepted and some declined and they are all somewhat similar, that the person reviewing is declining purposely. Any thoughts?

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Hello and welcome to the forum @icantstoplmao!

Understand that tags are not marking the things that you can nominate. There are tags for hospitals, k-12, etc.

If you feel your nominations are valid please feel free to share them with us here so people can give you feedback if needed.

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Without seeing examples of nominations that are being rejected, it’s hard to tell as to why they are getting rejected. There’s some legitimate nominations that do get rejected, and it will be a case of resubmit and try again. There are some nominations that are rightly rejected because it doesn’t meet the criteria.

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Welcome @icantstoplmao

To add to what was said already, most memorial benches actually do not meet criteria. There is a clarification in Criteria Clarification Collection

In many cases, it is the accepted ones that have been reviewed incorrectly.

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Thanks for the response I find that a little confusing, just stating that your picture shows a regular bench just looking over the ocean is approved. Yet a memorial bench with a plaque in a community park with walking trails, grills gazebos and tons of events held for the community. It meets all the criteria for exploration, exercise, and place to be social. It’s also a permanent tangible object. It’s safe to the public and contains all accurate information accept may not in grave detail. Guess thats where my confusion lies.

Okay first, this is not MY photo, this is a clarification by Niantic staff.

Generic memorial plaques are easily purchased, town fund raising efforts.

With the view benches, it is the view that is being submitted. The bench is just there to be an anchor for the Wayspot so you know when you have arrived.

We are about to have the “how is this different from a trail marker” argument again, right @cowyn2016 ? I would have rejected these per that criteria clarification. I believe the person I tagged would have accepted. A lot of Wayfarer is using your own judgement, even when they have the guidelines right there in black and white.

My mistake, I thought you asked me for clarification. Adding you to my don’t try to help list.

I don’t understand what I said that sounded like I was being what you said. I would like to know because I spend a lot of time here trying to help. And fwiw, I am 62.

Im completely new to all this so to bring up an “are we going to have this discussion” kind of rude considering I have no idea what your talking about, but to each their own, because from your logic I can take a picture of the sky and use the top of a building as a waypoint because its a great view. Thanks

Oh would have never crossed my mind that sounded rude. TY for explaining. The disagreement over benches comes up often. Hope you get some answers you find helpful.

Can I remind people to be respectful of each other.
Please don’t use insults.
This is a forum where there is discussion about the criteria and opinions will vary. So stop and think before posting.

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If I said anything that needs to be edited, please do!

fwiw, I would totally sell this as a scenic viewpoint. Focusing on the memorial makes your nomination harder since you then need the person to be significant.

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The park is a great place to socialise, exercise and explore. Walking trails are a great place to exercise and explore. Grills and gazebos can be great places to socialise. None of those are relevant to what you’ve submitted though. You submitted a memorial bench, and the rules for memorial benches specifically state that, in order to qualify as a great place to explore, they need to be for someone noteworthy (as opposed to some random person’s uncle Bob or aunt Sally).



Thanks for posting the nomination.
As others have helped explain the clarification about memorial benches was provided as it was (and remains unfortunately) an area where there is confusion.
It is instinctive to think that if you see something already in the game that it must be acceptable. However criteria can change over time and mistake do happen.
Part of the resulting confusion is because sometimes wrongly added objects don’t meet removal criteria and hence stay.
Is this is confusing ? Yes.
Does it cause frustration? Yes.
So we have to work our way through a messy situation by focussing on the current criteria.


@cyndiepooh pulled the article from the Criteria Clarification Collection

It shows different aspects can make similar objects meet the eligibility criteria differently. It is confusing at first as @elijustrying has said.

As for your comments about the community park, it is eligible. It is possible to anchor the park with a focal point, maybe the collection of benches. However, what you are submitting is the bench (I assume, the title is cut off). If the bench is what is being submitted, it should have context to how it is eligible by its lonesome.

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