What is the problem here?

I realise it’s disappointing and frustrating and many of us will have nominations where we try several times.
If you want help with any then do ask.
Take some time if you can recognise poor submissions you can make good ones.

It’s always worth a resubmission. I went through a point where a fair number of my submissions were being rejected for silly / incorrect reasons. I gave my thought process, which may not be correct, but doesn’t mean you should give up.

If you need to take a break, fair play, but don’t let this rejection be the reason to give up.

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Those that you are showing on this screenshot look like they are very much at risk of being removed, so I don’t know if we can really call it “luck”.

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Why this is a vandalized graffiti and other graffitis are good and accepted? Check the photos from this link to see some examples of accepted wayspots: Imgur: The magic of the Internet . Those are some wayspots from a single area. I can show you hundreds. I really don’t understand why they didn’t accept mine…
I told you! It is about luck.

Sounds like you could get hundreds of wayspots removed!

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Yes, but how they accepted them if are not good?

This is a graffiti tag, and as such is not something special, even if they were given permission to paint it there I would not accept that.
The fact that you routinely come across similar tags and graffiti does not make it acceptable. The Wayfarer Team will remove such wayspots from the database as they shouldn’t have been accepted.
We are happy to help you assess whether something is eligible and therefore likely to be acceptable if you would like to post pictures before you put further effort into making a nomination, and then have the frustration of rejection.


Who is in charge to accept or not the wayspots? How they accepted thousands of graffitis that are not good?

Mostly through community review probably.

When they see them - for example, if a Niantic employee looks at the other examples you shared, they’d probably remove all of them.

It varies. Sometimes the community. Sometimes an AI program. Sometimes Niantic employees. They don’t always all agree.

There can be a number of reasons why any wayspot is wrongly accepted. Quite often it is through community review.
A common error is that people see around then things that have been accepted in the past and assume that is what they are meant to do instead of checking against criteria and current acceptance guidelines. The more this happens the more that the wrongly accepted wayspot types are seen and so more get accepted.
It has been posted on this forum that if something that falls into this category is reported and it isn’t eligible it will get removed.
Here is the current clarification:


In my experience, it is confusing to Eastern Europe users because it was not enforced for a very long time so a lot of these were accepted by human voters on both sides. There are towns where there are next to no wayspots except for graffiti that goes more in the direction of vandalism

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90% of pokestops are ”vandalized” graffitis from what I saw. More are in use from 2017 and you say somebody will delete them? Good joke!

To be honest, more than 95% of pokestops should be deleted… from these graffitis to A4 sheets glued on walls…

In my area, there are no waypoints. Last week I created 4 and 2 were refused.

I’m done! I didn’t see more injustice like this.

Sorry that you’re frustrated, but nobody is joking when they say that Niantic will remove graffiti if it is brought to their attention.

If you’d like to have 95% of pokestops deleted, it sounds like you could make that happen.

Wayfarer can definitely be frustrating - that’s Niantic’s fault. It’s completely understandable if you’re no longer interested in participating due to the discrepancies between what’s eligible today, what exists in game, and what Niantic will remove when it comes to their attention.


I’m not wasting my time. I am not paid to do they’re work.

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IMO that’s perfectly acceptable!

Mod edit: removed a false statement
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