Hello everyone! When I reviewed a wayspot nomination, I found a better (correct) location for that one. I suggested a new location by dragging the pin. But what should I choose in the ‘Accuracy’ category? It is weird if I choose thumbs-up since I think it is not accurate and that is why I suggested a new one. If I choose thumbs-down then this spot would be rejected by me. It is also weird if I choose ‘I don’t know’ since I actually know the right location. I feel kinda confused. How you guys generally deal with this?
You can only relocate during review up to so far. If it is beyond that distance, then the system suggests you use the inaccurate location feature.
After you fixed it, it is then accurate.
I would not be surprised that if a reviewer moved a spot, then it goes through a round of “select the most accurate spot” with other reviewers.
Welcome to the forum @lshundoSP1NDA
That is a good question! I also don’t feel like I should thumbs up that section when it wasn’t right to begin with, but the location is right once I move it, so I don’t want to check that I am not sure about it.
What I do is choose “I don’t know” and then check the text box and type in that I had to correct the pin. I have not seen a statement from Niantic on the correct procedure in this case.
I am not sure what you mean by this. All reviewers will see the original pin.
Thanks for the warm welcome! That’s a good strategy!
I guess what he or she means is a kind of review about “select the most accurate spot”, like you need to choose the best spot from two potential ones, similar to choosing best title or best description. I guess this kind of review is only generated if one edited the portal location from ingress game.
Hello! Thanks for your reply. I think the review like ‘select the most accurate spot’ is generated just because someone edited the portal location from ingress game. If I suggested a new location when reviewing, the portal would not go through a round of ‘select the most accurate spot’. Just my guess
It seems like moving the pin in review should spawn an Edit request which would lead to asking several other reviewers to judge the preferred location.
Thanks for your clarification!
I’ve always wondered what happens after you move the pin. I just assume that the reviewers following you, see the originally submitted location and my move is pretty much just a waste of my time and as soon I go to the next one, it’s lost in the ether.
I’d like to find out what actually happens.
I think you are correct, that reviewers see the original pin. When the nomination is decided, the pin location seems to be averaged between the original and the suggestions.
Welcome to the forums @lshundoSP1NDA! Nice to see a familiar name
To answer your question, I will usually move the location if it’s close by and accuracy (since it is now accurate with my change), but if it’s too far (say, several blocks or so… I don’t have an exact distance limit) I’ll
accuracy and pick inaccurate location.
However, I am often hesitant to move locations during review, since I’m not sure exactly what happens when reviewers do so, especially if several different locations end up being proposed.
I’m hoping that someone from Niantic will chime in on this point. However, it being a US holiday today, I don’t expect anything until at least Monday. And that is assuming this thread doesn’t get lost in a long weekend’s worth of noise.
Niantic will not say the specifics of their inner workings. The option is there for us to use it and coccerct innacurate locations. Whatever happens after that is up to Niantic. As others suggested the theory is Niantic chooses an average, but whether or not that is correct shouldnt influence the way we review.
When I move an incorrect pin, i give a thumbs up for accuracy as i dont want a negative or neutral rating to that category to negatively affect an now accurate review.
but if other people didn’t correct the pin, then it won’t be accurate. that’s why i choose the idk and say that i moved it. because i don’t know where the pin will end up.
This is the only behavior that can make consistent and logical sense.
If the original pin placement looks correct we review accordingly.
If we can see a clear and different correct location, we move the pin and vote on this basis.
Only if we cannot tell where the pin should we face a dilemma: Is it reasonable to believe the pin may be correct, or is there better evidence that the submission is false?
I still have trouble with the first part of your answer, because we are still responsible for the ramifications of our actions. If I think the submitter was deliberately false I have no qualms about making a correction. If mine is just a guess, I don’t want to degrade or destroy a nomination that was made in good faith.
Too much of the latter will demotivate nominators and ruin the Wayfarer system.
This is my approach @cyndiepooh
i feel much more comfortable taking the neutral route especially as I then have the chance to record my logic. Yes I know it’s not read but it makes me feel better about the decision and that’s important.
If others are happy with a simple having corrected it that’s fine for them.
i just hate to disagree with roli since he is normally my go to source
Im not seeing this as a disagreement, sinpky a different point of view, i understand your logic and i do t think either is wrong. Specially if we’re being told to use our hest judgment.
Sadly, I don’t think enough people take the time to “move the pin” so an average still puts it in the original location. Because of cells and how everything lines up within those cells, there are many that fudge the location in order to get it in-game. Sometimes it’s minor or even a mistake. From where they opened the submission and took the picture and they didn’t adjust the pin. To those malicious ones where they place the pin across the street or a recent one that was pinned outside the airport terminal because the proper cell was already occupied.
If it’s an average of the pin location then I’d probably prefer to mark it as inaccurate location because I’m not going to be able to access, or even remember, the place to put in a move edit later.