What Wayfarer Communities are you a part of?

I am a member of the Wayfarer Discussion Discord and two Facebook groups ( Niantic Wayfarer Reviewers and Nominators and Wayfarer Global Reviewers). I do not like Reddit, so I am not apart of that sub-reddit.


Due to the nature of the Wayfarer system, I don’t want to be suspected of colluding with other Wayfinders, so I don’t discuss pre-nomination candidates with local Wayfinders or talk about eligibility criteria, nor do I feel any particular need to join.
That has been consistently the case from the time of the nomination and Niantic’s review since 2014 to the present.
So while I may praise other people’s good wayspots on social media, I don’t talk further with them.
So it’s just here.
Well, I have stopped reviewing and will shortly no longer need to look here either.


Corrected the title. “apart of” literally means the exact opposite of “a part of.” It’s a common mistake.


I understand your feelings on this, but for me, I feel Wayfarer would not be enjoyable without the community aspect. While collaboration could be frowned on by some Wayfarers, I like collaborating with other Wayfarers. We are all trying to work towards a similar goals to make the Niantic games better.


Here and the Wayfarer subreddit. I do have Discord but I don’t really use it much, so I’ve not joined the wayfarer Discord.

I also chat with a couple of locals about wayfarer stuff.

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I joined way too many groups across the world to get in touch with Wayfinders :sweat_smile:

Mostly active, you’ll find me on the Wayfarer Discussion Discord, on Wayfarer DACH (German speaking areas), and also nationwide groups on Telegram and Facebook like Italy, Spain, Taiwan, and a few more.

I’m also on the Wayfarer Subreddit, and reply a bit on Twitter and the forums here.


Only here and the LDS WhatsApp channel.

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This is my original community :sunglasses:
I am also on Reddit but being an Ambo has left me little time for that……
And there is of course the small specialised Ambassador wayfarer community.
I will talk Wayfarer to anyone who is interested.


Could you please tell them to reconsider their stance on city names?


I’ll run it by the big boss :latin_cross:


I’m a member of the Discord and I follow the subreddit. I recently joined two Facebook groups too. I would love to find a local community to work with but I’m not sure if one exists or not yet.

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Where are you from again? Maybe I can see if I have something in my group collection

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I live in Milano, Italy. I get reviews for most of Italy, along with Switzerland, and sometimes France, Slovenia and Austria. Thank you for reaching out, by the way! I really appreciate it!

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I’m in my local one that has been active from the start of OPR, I’m in the Wayfarer Discussion discord, the Wayspotters discord, reddit, Facebook X2 and a few small telegram channels for bonus locations I’ve been.


With clean people I can talk about all sorts of things about Wayfarer and form some community, though.
Still, I never talk about the POIs I submit.
I don’t like the act of myself or others influencing reviews.
If I talk about it, it is only about the general criteria.

Also, unfortunately, in my area, the majority of players of a specific game have alt accounts.
And some of them are unfortunately Wayfinders.
I don’t see how forming a local community with such people and associating with people who can’t even abide by the game’s terms of service and whose morals are so tacitly condoned by them is going to have any positive impact on my real life.
That is one of the reasons I am so negative about the community on Wayfarer, especially the local community.
To me that is more important than having more wayspots.