Wayfarer Forums

Hello hello!

This will is my 2nd and last post amongst the forums, and I will not be monitoring it after this post is created.

To be be blunt, the forums here are awfully handled. Just browsing through multiple threads, it’s clear that many users who actively post replies typically don’t provide useful information, and typically look for debates rather than providing answers.

Not to mention that those who are active posters to these threads, tend to have the same type of replies over and over again. Moderators of the forum seem to be fairly careless and hypocritical of their statements too.

Hypocrisy in the forums is fairly obvious, with one moderator stating that asymmetrical comments regarding the same topics are okay, but then you browse and see that threads made regarding a subject topic near identical to another thread is judged to be “reposts” and are subsequently locked down.

Wayspot inquiries will typically have more “what-if” replies than anything. With Niantic’s awfully poor handling regarding approval and rejection odds for wayspots, this is not a surprise. Too many of the replies on threads tend to state the bland: “oh, well yeah, a lot of these types of wayspots get approved when they shouldn’t be” response. Which is hilarious given that Niantic themselves tend to review a large amount of wayspots, meaning they themselves don’t follow their own criteria.

Many of the replies will also link the wayspot criteria, to which again, becomes redundant, as many wayspots are approved regardless if it meets criteria or not, to which confuses those looking for clarification even more so. Many of the active replies are also filled to the brim with “what-if” scenarios, making the wayspot criteria more like loose guidelines, meaning that even though something that may follow all criteria perfectly, could still be denied simply based on that “what-if” scenario.

Let’s not even get started on the fact that in multiple posts, moderation members sometimes go off the topic of the thread. Example: Some posts I scanned through, I found that some of the thread creators replies had the word “bro” or “dude” in their replies, to which mods are quick to correct those people in reminding them to be careful with how they address people when replying.

This in itself shows how less interested they are with enforcement of topics, and more enforcement with how someone is addressed. However, it’s also hypocritical again to just assume that when a poster says those words, it’s to instantaneously and inherently assume they refer to the person as a male, when in fact many people would use these words in a generic sense or terminology.

I could go on and on about the forums. Honestly, go to Reddit, Discord, anything but these forums. You won’t find much of anything useful here you could find pretty much anywhere else. From mods who care more about their personal views or feelings more than enforcement policies and rules; to replies from users being redundant, unhelpful, or even unnecessary.

You’ll find that the moderators of the forums even promote necro threads. Many posts being actively revived over and over again, regardless if the topic has been resolved or not, meaning you as the answer seeker may just end up looking through hundreds of threads that could have an already determined answer, but swayed away by the fact you’d have to go in and out of threads that may look active, but in reality, someone simply wanted to post an opinion on the topic, reviving a thread almost a week old, making it look ongoing.

Mods consider this being a “feature” of the forums, when a website builder/coder could easily tell you that it’s an oversight, and the mods simply just try justifying this by stating they promote “open discussion” which again, is funny, considering how some posts can immediately be locked down by them if they themselves deem it so.

The ludicrous of the forums here are beyond comprehension. So many “what-if” replies and “self-interpreted” replies truly make the forums here more of a debate club rather than a resource of discussion and answer seeking. Oh, and don’t go saying any bad words or basically anything that could be interpreted as offensive, as in these forums, even though they promote open discussion, saying the wrong thing can end up immediately having the thread locked down, and you restricted from posting. You could go and use many other forums that don’t have this backwards psychology.

I’ve posted once here on the forums, addressing an issue with how Niantic had handled a response to a memorial submission, representing tge frustration from some of my group. I will tell you immediately that any active and excessive user of this forum, will gladly run to Niantic’s defense, which immediately is a huge red flag, as you’ll again, find that many answers like to tip-toe around subjects, and bring up the “what-if” scenario, to try and twist and turn your point of validation. This in itself is an abhorrent and exhausting time waster to have to deal with.

Overall I’d wager you could easily find a far better resource to handle your topics and questions. These forums overall don’t have much to offer as incentive. The only thing you’ll find here necro-threads, over-sensitive mods or users, and too many “what-if” replies to try and cover the hypocrisy and poorly handled guidelines of wayspot nominations.

As for right now, I myself and many others whom I’ve shown these forums to will not be utilizing them going forward, to which I can guarantee most of the mods and users would simply state that they don’t care if we left or not, further solidifying the accuracy of the statements made.

While I love being a wayfarer, and trying to assist communities getting more active in their respective areas by setting up POI’s within their area; enjoying a game (Pokémon GO in my case) that has brought me to also enjoy socializing and making friends amongst others again… I cannot say I’m impressed with the forums, as they simply seem too disconnected from player perspective, and more from a tunnel-vision corporate perspective. Not to say you can’t find some things or users helpful within the forums, but sadly you just have to go looking too deep to find them half the time.

For those who made it to the end, I appreciate you taking some of your time to read this! Remember: It’s a review, and should no way directly affect you in any way, shape, or form.

Note: I’ve currently no interest to debate this, nor engage in any amount of discussion regarding thoughts on the forums. I will not reply to any responses and will have this discussion topic muted. I’m aware there are a few grammatical errors, but frankly I’m too tired now to bother correcting them. As is the purpose of these forums, you are obviously free to comment on this at your own accord.

All the best!


Placing one-sided rants in a public discussion forum serves little purpose for the forum.

Your post is way too long to read, but I do hope it served its purpose for you and you feel some sort of catharsis.


Yes, that is my one strength. I don’t mind explaining the same thing over and over again to get information and help to those who seek it.

I am thrilled that Niantic is allowing us to freely talk about S2 cell use in Pokemon Go and tools that can help see those here in particular. I feel that knowledge often alleviates explorer frustration. And I am happy to provide it over and over and over again.

This is a great suggestion, though. I should put those answers I repeat over and over again somewhere I can copy/paste instead of just typing them out every time in each individual response.

Of course I link clarifications. Why should people take my word for it? And with the link, they can use that in the supporting statement of their nominations if reviewers have been rejecting incorrectly.

I am guilty of this. Discourse will show me something as a recent topic, and I will comment and post before I realize the date. I do edit in an apology when I do that, but will try to check the date more closely.

The only resource I find as valuable as this one is the Wayfarer Discussion Discord, and I can’t reach out to actual Niantic staff there. I feel that we have helped many genuinely confused and frustrated Explorers here.

Completely disagree. The staff and ambassadors have been actively keeping this forum from becoming toxic while letting people voice their valid complaints. I rarely participated in the old forum, but love spending time here.

You, too!



What if no one understands the point of anything you’ve said?

Have a good one, bro.


I had to lie down after reading the OP. :man_facepalming:

Ok, i will give some more context to this.

First, i am only speaking for myself. There is a large moderator contingent here, and i am only 1 of those.


But if we break down this person’s experience, i think a lot of what they said is either unfounded or simply based on a poor understanding of how Wayfarer works.

They have another topic that im using to piece this together. I’m not going to link it because i don’t want to get bogged down in the specific worthiness of their nomination. I want to focus on high-level generalized issues.

  1. They submitted something that the comminity rejected. (A common experience)
  2. Their appeal was rejected with a response that was fairly generic but not unfactual.
  3. Due to the personal nature of the original submission, they (and their community) took offense to the rejection.

OK. We can stop there to analyze failure points? Could Niantic have given them a better rejection reason? Maybe. But as with any paid job, I’m sure Niantic has some kind of metrics they use to control how much time is spent on each review. Crafting individual responses doesn’t seem to fit within those metrics.

That’s part of why this forum exists. People can come here to get a better understanding of rejections. Sometimes, even Niantic employees who have more time will weigh in. But all of us regulars know that Niantic employees typically keep their answers brief. We, as the community, support each other.

When a nomination falls under a previously clarified category, we thankfully have “Niantic’s opinion” on the matter. We link to those criteria and then try to explain how that applies all over the world. Wayfarer is a GLOBAL CROWD-SOURCED program. Most criteria have to be open to interpretation to fit cultures all over the globe.

  1. Several regulars gave advice. They were friendly. They commiserated with how disappointing the experience was. They suggested alternative ways to try to resubmit the item. The entire conversation was pleasant and well-handled.

  2. OP simply could not accept that their understanding of the criteria did not align with Niantic’s.

  3. Unfortunately, the OP also used some phrases that lead me to believe that they don’t fully understand how Wayfarer works. They seem to think that Niantic does “most” of the reviews. That is not true. Again, Wayfarer is a crowd sourced program. Most of the reviews historically have been done by fellow game players. Though machine learning is handling a large percentage of new submissions, it has a long way to go before it will catch up (i think) to the number of reviews done by humans. They also wrote some things about gym placements in PGO that make it seem like they think Niantic is making individual judgments on every gym flip. That’s simply not true. There’s an automated process for that. It’s rather naive to believe that Niantic is manually handling the entire globe the way their words seem to indicate they do.

In conclusion, San Dimas High School Football rulez! (Man, i hope I’m not the only one who gets that.)

Seriously, though, people should feel free to answer questions. And others need to have the humility to realize that their understanding of Wayfarer does not align with Niantic’s.


I don’t think an explanation was needed to be fair. There will always be people who will throw their toys out of their pram in order to get attention.


My intention is not to change the op’s mind. Hopefully any new person who comes along and sees this discussion will get a more balanced response from what I wrote.

My main issue is never going to be with criticism towards me or Niantic. I will always come to the defense of our regulars who expend buckets and buckets of patience trying to help others.


If any of you want to know why the OP may feel this way, see this thread:

I remember asking for the specific wording that they found offensive so that we could help Niantic rephrase it, but they never provided it.

Thanks, I think everyone here read that as well.

I think we all tried our best to explain things to them in a polite and respectful manner, but we didn’t seem to get anywhere with them. Lots of ambos and regulars asking good questions, giving the best answers that we have, but most just being ignored.

I think what may have pushed them over the edge was a non-regular found the thread, and posted something that didn’t have to do with the thread to the OP, and the OP responded with another lengthy answer. Eventually, an ambo jumped in and noted that the last 2 posts didn’t pertain to the thread, and while they weren’t going to move it to a new thread at this time, they could. The ambo wanted to keep the thread on-topic, and it was starting to veer off-topic.

And yes, I 100% agree with you that the forums are the best place online to get ahold of the Niantic team in regards to Wayfarer issues.


What would you think about writing an article (maybe in faq style) for Wayfarer Basics ?
With numbered questions…
Than you can link it everytime and, for the personal note, refer to the question-number in the individual case?

1 Like

I’m not sure, but do you realy want to say “be excellent to each other”?


A Frequently Asked Questions post is a great idea! Getting my thoughts together to start it is daunting though.

I could help you with that. I love to start on a naked paper :hugs:

Here I give you (unasked :smile:) a possible frame. Feel free to c/p and change it in understandable english, if you like it.

The article could start minimalistic with two questions or so, and you can fill it everytime you think “ah that’s one of my c/p answers”.

Dear new Wayfinder

We’re happy that you’ve found your way to our community forum.
This community being users like you with more or less experience and always willing to help.

This article brings together the most frequent asked questions and solutions/recent statements from niantic on them.
Collected and maintend by the community! This list is alive…

Q1: My pokestop were approved more than 48h ago but I can’t see it. What could have happend?

S1: you’re nominating a wayspot… learn about cells in this article …

Q2: I need clarification on benches, picnic areas, cemeteries… How to deal with it?

S: the recent criteria clarification you can found here “link”

It is a great idea. Unfortunately, i think it will be a big effort that will go to waste. People simply don’t think the way we do anymore in terms of trying to find an answer for themselves first. These days, they want to ask their question and have someone write a custom answer to them. It’s a mindset i don’t understand.

The Silph Road subreddit is a lot like this. Reddit has a search function which works surprisingly decently, but people never seem to use it to check if what they’re about to post is already being covered. Sometimes they’ll make posts about it when someone literally posted the same thing half an hour ago and it’s like two posts down from theirs in the subreddit. It can get frustrating.