Why has my Wayfarer rating dropped so drastically?

It sounds like you’re doing everything needed, and being quite thorough when reviewing, which is great, as well as using your best judgment. Yes, there are reviewers that aren’t as thorough, but I bet their ratings may suffer as well, especially if they approve a nomination that doesn’t meet criteria that you rejected.

We recently had a global challenge, where we reviewed nominations and edits from different parts of the world, and some noticed a large drop in their ratings. No one has gotten an answer as to why this happened, and for those that it did happen to, it’s taking some time to get their ratings back up. Some do wonder if there is some lag in ratings being updated since the challenge, as there were some site issues during that time.

While I didn’t have this issue during the challenge, I have had a couple of days where my rating has dropped from Great to Good. When this happens, I slow down a bit, as when I go faster and review more, I sometimes do miss things. Typically, once slowing down a bit, I get my rating back up to Great within 12-24 hours.

Lastly, edits are not supposed to count towards ratings, but many have been wondering if they now do. This is due to edits now being in Contribution Management, and being a part of global challenges for the first time. Just like the ratings drops during the challenge, we haven’t received any word if edits now count towards ratings.

If you’re interested to know about the ratings issue from the last challenge, here is the thread: