Why has my Wayfarer rating dropped so drastically?

I always had a “great” rating and now it drops to “bad” sometimes, usually being stuck to “fair”, I have not fundamentally changed the way I rate

Could this issue and the issue of slow upgrades be potentially linked? Let’s say a lot of people got their rating significantly lowered during the challenge. We know that votes of people with lower rating count for less so a nomination would effectively need more people to resolve, perhaps many more. That would also explain why they can’t find an issue with upgrades - there might not be an issue.

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If we knew how the rating system works exactly, that could also help, my overall percentage has dropped, but I figure that alone does not influence the rating


This is my current situation.

May 30, 2024 Excellent to Good, June 6 Fair, June 13 Unsatisfactory
Reviewed Candidates 22744 Agreements Approved Candidates 7090 Rejected Candidates 960 Duplicate Candidates 627 Upgrades Available Upgrades 35 Applied Upgrades 83

It was doing weird things before the challenge, so that alone is not responsible I think

It started dropping for me yesterday. Had a great rating almost from the beginning, then yesterday after 20-30 reviews (half a lunchbreak) I dropped to good and then to fair. Today I did another 20 and dropped to poor. In like 10 minutes Now I am too afraid to keep on reviewing, as this MUST be some bug.

Nice reward to try improving the game :-((((

I have the same issue, it doesn’t make any sense.

After the challenge, my rating went from Great to Good. I stopped reviewing, today now it is Fair. I have 80,000 +reviews and was always Great since the beginning, Green back then I think.

I could be screwing up badly, but I hope they are looking into it!


When on earth will the wayfarer team announce this issue? There may be people who don’t talk, but it certainly seems problematic that so many people in the community talk about the same problem. We need a quick fix to this problem. :face_exhaling:


Yes, I believe they’re related.

Niantic Wayfarer says “Reviews of Wayspot Edits are not counted as Agreements at this time.”

So in the challenge, we each did a LOT of reviews that don’t count to upgrades. (OR, maybe the documentation is wrong, but it’s looking to me like it is correct.)

That means, they have some counters that include edits, and some that don’t.

Wouldn’t be surprised if, downstream somewhere, some process uses the counters as if they all pertained to the same things.


I am having the same problem. I was at great, then dropped to fair after the challenge. I was very careful with my reviewing and got it back to good, but it suddenly dropped back to fair again.

I’ve never submitted any nominations, only reviewed, but did complete one edit.