I’ve had a few nominations rejected recently. Some I’d like to appeal but I noticed I no longer have the option. These have never been appealed before. Any idea why the button isn’t appearing?
Hello @koldglaze
You can have a maximum of 2 Appeals available. Once you use one it will start a 20 day timer until you get another one.
Have you recently appealed two items?
You get 2 appeals, each on a 20 day timer before you can use it again.
Hello and welcome,
Like others have said, you get 2 appeals every 20 days.
I try my best not to use appeals on anything I’ve gotten rejected. Instead, I try to see how I can improve on the rejection. For example, a collectibles store may make a great place to explore and possibly be social. I can see ML, the AI or “our team” in rejection emails, possibly rejecting this on the photo. ML doesn’t always like window reflections, even if there is nothing like a license plate or a person visible, which isn’t allowed. It may not have like the orientation of the photo as well.
I would have taken a photo closer to the door, focusing on the shop’s logo. If you need to crop the photo to remove some of the door reflection, that’s ok.
I’d encourage you to review the Wayfarer Criteria section to understand what makes a good nomination, as well as the Photo Guidelines section on how to take good photos, both main and supporting. If you need any nomination help, you can also post in the Nomination Support category.
I love this nomination from what I see here, and this is how I would have taken the photo as well fwiw. Since this was an ML rejection, I would wait and appeal it if it were my submission.
(My guess is that it has been trained to reject “Pokemon” references, but this is an allowable use of the word.)
Yep, they mention Pokémon trading card game, not PoGo, which is why I didn’t really have an issue with the description. It’s still a possibility that ML rejected for mentioning that, but hard to say. I still get submissions with Niantic game terms in the descriptions to review, such as one yesterday noting it was a great place for “agents” to gather, using the Ingress player term.
No, Dog Door would be an inaccurate title for this business. Niantic requires that all titles, descriptions, and photos for nominations be accurate. Since this store is named Underdog Collectibles, that is the best title. There’s actually nothing wrong with the title in this case.
I’d encourage you to review the Acceptance Criteria, as #4 lays out that the information provided must be accurate.