Why my nominations are stuck in loop

What are the reasons my nominations are stuck under tags

  1. In Queue
  2. In Voting
  3. Not Accepted
    It’s been months, since I started nominating Pokestops just one of my nominations got lucky by chance and accepted and become a reality but afterwards it’s a total disaster.
    Where I’m currently residing there are only two PokeStops. There are no nearby Pokemon Gyms and Power Stops. It’s not like I’m the only person playing Pokemon Go here. I know a few people who play Pokemon Go here but all of their levels are below 35. Man how can you play Niantic Games when you have no nearby Portals or Pokemon Gym or even Power Stops? I can’t even invite people to play the game. I feel myself forced to travel long distances (I’m not an athlete to travel miles on daily basis not other majority of people enjoy it). I waited patiently for months but even I’m getting frustrated. It seems everything is going against me. We don’t even have campfire app in the country. I don’t have enough money to buy hundreds of game coins either. I don’t even know how to nominate places for Power Stops. I have been reviewing nominations for months but truly this process is just way beyond frustrating.
    Game should automatically provide Pokemon Gym and Power Stops after a specified and standard distance. I’m telling truth even in several big and highly populated cities of Pakistan there are literally Zero Pokemon Gym. How can I ask there people to start playing this game when they don’t even have very basic necessity to enjoy this game. I’m uploading some screenshots which includes that there is no order to under the tag of In Voting or In Queue. Some of my nominations are under in Voting even though there are already older nominations waiting to go under In Voting tag. (Here to be especially mentioned that those nominations that were no accepted, they went under Not Accepted tag within two to three days.). What joke is it?

Even Mosques (religious building) are not accepted yet and anyone can see on the map that there is no Pokemon Gym or Power Stops. (I’m still wondering what’s wrong with it?)

Today I reviewed PokeStop nomination and finally got to see (Swing by later for more reviews)

Not only I want to enjoy this game also want to invite other local people to play this game. For this purpose, at least one pokemon gym and one power stops should be available in one kilometer in all populated areas. Game Company Should take it as its own responsibility. I’d like to post it on all important forums.
There was an error uploading more screenshots. It doesn’t show which images are successfully uploaded. Hope that there are images of maps of nominations.
Another important point, regardless of that I’m using WiFi or mobile data Pokemon Go doesn’t work well (it says network or signal problem) it just appears for a second suddenly especially during fights.

Hello! I’m moving the topic to Nomination Support where, if you share your complete nominations, you will be able to receive feedback from other explorers.

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I thought it’s better suited for Bug Category cause I seems there is something wrong with my wayfarer ID. Since status or anything is not changing/updating.

It can take several months for nominations to reach decisions, especially if you’re in an area with a high amount of submissions and/or a low amount of reviewers. You can earn upgrades for your nominations by reviewing and earning agreements. This will get them seen by a wider audience and should result in quicker decisions (though I would suggest only using these on nominations that you feel very confident in).

I have had a quick look at your submissions and I can see a few that are problematic. Wayfarer nominations need to be a great place to socialise, a great place to exercise, or a great place to explore, and they also need to not meet any of the rejection criteria. Given those criteria, hospitals, trees and random shops are not great nominations. Mosques are definitely eligible though.


I’m from Pakistan as I have mentioned it a lot in my posts. There very few players with level 37 or above, moreover we don’t even have enough Pokemon Gym or Power Stops even in the big and highly populated cities of Pakistan. We don’t have any means of contacting other pokemon go local players either. There are lots of important points and questions mentioned in my post. I especially posted snapshots of the maps of the nominations. As you can see there are literally nothing. How can players level up here??
And level 37 is required to be able to nominate or review nominations.

As per this recent announcement, the access restrictions from Pokemon GO players to Wayfarer will undego a change. So you might just have to wait a little longer to be able to organize a few players to participate in the programme:

In the meantime your best bet would be to ask the international community to set their bonus locations to Pakistan, so they can review your country instead. The review distribution system will not allow them to review your nominations directly, and there is no particular order either.

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How can I do so?

Sorry, do what exactly? Asking for people to change their bonus location?

Well, you would make a post and ask for that

Sorry for the trouble but what you’re talking about is quite new for me. Could you please explain it in steps what and how can I do/ask for it?

Ok so, when people enter Wayfarer to review randomly allocated nominations from others, the allocation draws from several sources, being:

-region where they last played in
-a set home location within the Wayfarer settings
-a set bonus location within the Wayfarer settings
-additional stuff from the country and neighbouring countries if any

The setting in question looks like this:

and what you would do is, go to some social media groups or this forum, make a new topic called “Reviewing help for Pakistan” for example. And your text could be something like “Pakistan has little to no Wayfarer reviewers, can you help by setting your bonus location there?”


Thank you so very much. Should I also post one in the general category? And how can I check or change my bonus location?

I think you’re asking about your screenshot “Nice work! Swing by later for more reviews!”.

You automatically get reviews near the place where you last played a Niantic game.

No one person can review every nomination in an area. This is to prevent abusive reviewing cabals, that make up their own rules for acceptance/rejection.

To get more reviews, go to your Settings and (1) Set your Home location to somewhere a couple hundred miles away from your usual area of play. This should be somewhere you’re familiar with. Maybe you grew up there, or you visit your sister often there, or you vacation there every year. (2) Set your Bonus location to somewhere at leave a couple hundred miles from your usual area of play AND your Home location. Somewhere you’ve been, or somewhere you think is interesting, or wherever you want.

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I have asked about this, how to change or set these locations?

Niantic Wayfarer Use the pen icon next to the location headings.

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