Why was wayspot rejected

This is the second time this potential wayspot has been rejected. Its been rejected on appeal twice. Rejection reasons include generic business, not safe and private residence or farm. Appeal reasons include regular water fountain and duplicate. What is a regular water fountain? There is a fountain 150 meters away. No homework done on that reason.
I brushed up on my wayspot criteria and fountains and water feature are listed as great examples of wayspots.

@NianticAtlas @NianticAaron can you overturn this… or enlighten us on what a “regular water fountain” is


I have had several “Regular” eligible nominations rejected.

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Ugh, the appeals team strikes again…

Hi welcome @courier99

Could you post the full nomination please both photos and text and location so that we can see better what the reviewers saw.

As there is no streetview have you a photo that shows this fountain relative to the fountain that has already been accepted as a Wayspot?
As they have a similar style it might have been difficult to establish that it is separate. So photo would help.

Here are photos of the second submission. The street view photo shows discussed fountain on the right side, the other fountain is located at the high rise on the left side.


First reply did not look right. Discussed rejected wayspot is on the right, established wayspot is under high-rise on the left side.