Wayspot nominations rejected

General question - my wayspot nominations have been rejected multiple times, even though as far as I can see they are good nominations and meet and the criteria. Is it because it doesn’t appear on Google Maps yet as it is a brand new construction (footbridge over railway line). No valid reasons are given, except maybe the reviewer thinks it’s in the middle of a railway line and gives the reason it’s in a sensitive area (footbridge does not show on maps).
Do I have to wait until Google Maps shows the new construction before submitting?

The more information you’re willing to provide about your nomination, the more likely people can help.

If you’re comfortable sharing the full nominations that have been rejected, people will be better able to help you figure out why it is getting rejected.

Not appearing in maps can certainly make nominations more difficult.


If it’s on Google maps it’s a lot easier.

If you are willing to, download a camera app that overlays GPS coordinates that you can use for your supporting photo. This can help prove that you are in the right spot.

This is one that I took this weekend for a location move that I submitted. The building where this PoI was located was torn down and rebuilt, but it moved the entrance about 50m away.

Googl maps currently looks like this.

The app I use is called GPS Map Camera. They have a free version that will do what you need.

Remember to only use it for the supporting photo, you will have to take the picture first and then use “existing photo” when it asks for supporting.

Hi, welcome! Reiterating the above - the community is very good at helping but it needs concrete examples. Please share the nomination(s) in question in full (redact location if you don’t feel comfortable) and the associated rejection reasons. Some rejections are automated so I wouldn’t overthink what the reviewer thought before addressing that.