Why's my accepted PokeStop haven't appeared for about a week?

Bug Reports should include the following and any additional information you feel is necessary to aid in the investigation of the bug.

  • Description of the issue
  • Date first (or most recently) experienced
  • Device type, model, and operating system
  • Game & Game Version (if applicable)

I submitted my PokeStop around 3 weeks before. When I got the notification that it was accepted, I waited around 48 hours but it still didn’t show up

My device type is Samsung s24 ultra and it’s an Android

Game version should be the latest.

Please Niantic help

It is probably in the same level 17 s2 cell as an existing pokething.

please leave the name of the Wayspot and the gps coordinates so we can check on this for you.

Hello and welcome @warf001
If you can supply the information @cyndiepooh asked we can find your wayspot and check but it is likely that it hasn’t met the selection rules for Pokémon Go which is what @NvlblNm is indicating


For an explanation of how Cells work in Pokémon Go.

I’m moving this to General Discussion as this is unlikely to be a bug.


It’s called

Lapangan Basket Elang Laut

(-6127156 , 106750346)

It’s in the same level 17 S2 Cell as Ecopark Elanglaut. So if that one shows in Pokémon GO, your way spot will not.

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