Hi guys, I just submitted a community pool that got approve. It showed up in ingress, but not pokemon go. Normally that only happens when there are other niantic hotspots in the same level 17 s2 cell, but there are no others. Did it just show up in ingress early? Because usually they show up in Pokemon go first. I attached a photo of the portal on ingres and the location on the s2 cell map. The nearest pokestop is in a completely different level 17 s2 cell, so im a bit confused.
Hello and welcome @PrestonGraff
Has it been over 48 hours from the acceptance email?
Depending on timing it can appear in either game first. So it might have missed cutoff for PokemonGo sync, but have been in time for Ingress which typically happens later.
Thanks for the quick reply. It hasnt been 48 hours yet, but out of the several pokestops approved they always showed up on pokemon go first. Maybe it will just show up on the other apps if i wait longer. I also havent checked to see if its a post card on pikmin bloom yet
The rule of thumb I work to nowadays, if the waypoint has been approved after 7:30pm British Summer Time, it will appear in Pokemon Go the following evening. So, whatever time the sync happens in your part of the world, if your nomination was approved after the usual sync time, 24 to 48 hours would be a fair wait.
So I just checked, my waypoint was approved at 11:34 am PST, which is 7:34 pm BST. It is currently 1:34 am the next day PST and I first noticed it in Ingress about 2 in a half hours ago.
Give it another 10 hours, and touch wood it should appear. If it doesn’t, you may need to wait a further 24 hours. If it still doesn’t appear, we would need to check if there is a possible reason for why it hasn’t been added…
Yes you missed the Pokémon Go sync, but caught the Ingress one, it should appear later, it is in the data base and looks ok.
Pokestop just showed up, thank you for your help Eli & P1dg3yslayer. Now I know that sometimes it just shows up in Ingress first & to always wait a couple days before I assume.
Yay! Glad it has appeared…