Will the Wayfarer team accept the nomination of a fake?

(English translation: Shimotsuguma Community Association Notice Board)
(English translation: Notice boards installed in the common open space of a housing complex in Shimotsukuma, Yukuhashi City. Local news, event announcements and recruitment, reminders from the police and fire department, and other notices are posted on the board in turn.)
statement:私有地ではなく、アパート集合住宅の共用部分の歩道側にあります。 ナイアンティックは地域住民の為の情報を提供する「掲示板」を公共館と同等の価値とし、Wayspotとして適格であると発言しているですので申請します。 、またはその共有スペース内またはその上にあるオブジェクトは、基準を満たし、すべての人がアクセスできない場合でもコミュニティがアクセスすることを意図している場合に限り、適格となる可能性があります。のコミュニティスペースは上記の対象になります、コミュニティの公式見解です。
English translation: it is not on private property, but on the sidewalk side of the common area of an apartment complex. Niantic has stated that a “ notice board” that provides information for community residents is of equal value to a public building and qualifies as a Wayspot, so we are applying for it. Objects in or on the Wayspot or its common spaces may qualify, as long as they meet the criteria and are intended to be accessed by the community, even if not accessible to all. The community space at ________________ is eligible for the above, it is the official opinion of the community.
I apologize for turning to the Nominator, but the Statement is out of context and I don’t understand what he is saying either.

Now, let me cut to the chase. This nomination is a fake. First I would like you to review the images I reviewed of the nominations.

Now let’s check the notice board postings for this nomination.

As you can see, the sign reminds residents that the common areas of the apartment have been cleaned and that they should not flush anything that could clog the toilet.

Now let’s zoom in further on the posting in the upper right corner.

建物維持管理計画 年間予定表
English translation: Building Maintenance Plan Annual Schedule
English translation: Daito Building Management Co.

If you have read this far, you will know that this bulletin board is not maintained by the community association, but is used for building management and notification of tenants in rental housing. However, when I reported this nomination as fake to the Wayfarer team, they responded that it does not fall under the criteria for deletion.
After you have read what I have shown so far, do you all think that this nomination is legitimate? Please let me know your opinion.

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It’s not a fake, and still is an information board. Information boards for apartments and other communities do not need to be maintained by the community association. They may be maintained by the rental agency, realtors, or other management group.

Being that the rental management seems to be posting important information for the community here, I’d accept it.

Common areas have been cleaned.
Please do not flush anything but toilet paper down the toilet
What is required to maintain the building each month

I will gladly accept this candidacy if there is any participation of the tenants of this apartment in the activities of the local community by telling this to. No, before you go any further, this is not a bulletin board for a community association, but for the management of a commissioned rental property. It is definitely fake. It is known among the Japanese community as a “clean-up complete bulletin board” and is well known as a form of abuse.

I am reporting this candidate because he is applying for a rental property Notice board that he has been entrusted to manage, falsely claiming that it belongs to the community association, but there are many similar Notice boards on Wayspot.
I do not know the truth as I do not apply for such notice boards, but abusers among the Japanese community frequently talk about how they will be denied but if they appeal, they will be approved for sure. If this is true, then the Wayfarer team is accepting Notice boards postings without translating them through image search.

They are not claiming anything falsely though. Again, no one that lives in the community has to be the ones posting the info there. It’s importance is in informing the community, which meets the explore criteria.

I don’t know where you were told that info boards have to have posts only from community members or the community association, but that’s not something I’ve ever heard for info boards before. For example, a local event center may have an info board with posts about upcoming events and shows on it, and they manage that info board. It’s important to the community to know what events will be taking place, so it meets the explore criteria.

A sign that says ‘No Trespassing, Private Property’ informs us all, but fails to clear the bar of meeting any acceptance criteria.

Community message boards can be hubs of social activity where everyone is free to read and to post announcements. They can qualify under Explore or Socialize criteria.

The OP has identified a common piece of urban furniture which is not used for bi-directional community engagement of any kind. It only tells tenants about the rules and schedules of their apartment block: Trash is collected on Tuesday, hallways are mopped on Thursday. Never leave junk in the lobby.

The local reviewers know that these notice boards are not interesting. They always reject them, but the nominators have realized that Niantic’s appeals group don’t look at the contents and cannot distinguish these items from the useful community boards. This is the OP’s complaint. If you don’t read the language, you may accept all sorts of common junk that seems superficially similar to valid stuff.


Just to mention, even these rental property management bulletin boards may also have local community activities posted as well. I am happy to accept such nominations. However, it is incumbent on the applicant to prove that status. You should not accept a photo taken without a posted invitation to participate in community activities, with the possibility of doing so in the future.
And above all, this nomination is falsely titled as a community association notice board. This is unacceptable.

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Yeah, they just said it can be. That’s what I was trying to get at.

I just reviewed a similar nomination and would like to share it with you. However, this one is nominated as being an honest apartment board. As you can see, the exact same thing is posted. However, this nomination is in Chiba Prefecture, while the one we initially reported as false is in Fukuoka Prefecture, 855 km (531 miles) away. Is this the best you can do for socializing?

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You didn’t say that you were getting multiple nominations in review for the same thing using the same photos. You just said that they are fake because the management company posts info there, not community members, which doesn’t disqualify info boards from meeting the explore criteria.

You can use the Report button at the top of the page to report the abuse.

Since we are here, we would like to show you what we found yesterday. You should be able to tell that it is a rental property managed by the same company, “Daito Kenshi Partners(大東建託パートナーズ)”, as it is marked at the bottom of the posting on the left. This one was probably applied for in July, and the “Cleaning is complete!(清掃完了です!)” poster is of a different type. The same “Building Maintenance Plan Annual Schedule(建物維持管理計画年間予定表)” can also be seen. There is no “Clogged Toilet” reminder posted.

The current situation in Japan is aptly described by Yupa’s line in “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind”.

“Another village has died. Go on, we will soon sink into the Sea of Decay.”

Thanks for the reply.
I will continue to be positive as abuse is what some people do, but this is not a safe way to continue my review. I hope the Wayfarer team appeal staff will not be fooled any further.

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