Tired of making nominations


I just the community and how they function in reviewing are dysfunctional. A little libraries get approved but in a rually area nominations get rejected. There even a tag for it now.

If something has a large numbers. Then it not unquie anymore. But in small towns, miss where we actual walk not drive. Walk and actively looking for wayspots get rejected, for actual real reason

Wayfarer and Niantic is really not up to standard. Nothing more to say. With Emily the culture should change in the community.

Agreed to disagree

1.How is this cool post for the complex not worth a PokeStop. It could just be 30 little libraries at one spot. This unquie because you rarely find such set ups

  1. You tell me how is this not something worth a PokeStop. It a unquie little shop. It name speaks for itself.

3.How is this a generic business if it literally has my town name to it. And is the only one in my town.

Wayfarer community is corrupted and don’t know what they are doing. Everything is just for pure own interests. That why I am losing interest in the games,reviewing and nominations. Because Niantic doesn’t know what they are doing to small amount of players in rural areas. if honestly is seen as hateful and not nice to the community. Well as the saying goes " if the shoe fits wear"'. So those who think this rude. Then there truth to my post. And the shoe fit’s the collective bodies is guilty [ Niantic,Wayfarer and partially the community]

At the risk of being called a gate keeper, I’m going to repeat to you that none of these things are eligible. You have posted like this quite a few times over the years.

At least twice I have tried to explain to you the Wayfarer criteria and how to apply it. I’ve gone beyond that to find the area you’re nominating in and looked for things you could submit. l don’t recall you responding to any of my efforts to assist you.

Though I know it is difficult for rural players, at this point I don’t know how we can help you. No one is corrupt. There are rules for the system. Maybe your community truly does not have anything that meets those rules. Or maybe you still don’t have the skills to recognize those things and write good submissions. I can’t tell at this point.

The only thing I can think to start with is to ask do you know the three criteria for a good wayspot?


Thank you, I was going to make a reply about how I didn’t think that any of these met the criteria either, and that mentioning lack of Pokéstops and Gyms in the supporting statement is basically just wasting space that’s better used to explain why the nomination meets the criteria, but then I realised that I’ve already previously suggested that they work on their supporting info, and it seems like this advice was not taken on board.

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Welcome to the club! Not to be rude, but you’re part of the community too - you’re not an exception! :upside_down_face:

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I am not excluding myself. From the community.

But to put some effort in when reviewing. Get the background etc. Won’t hurt, I review not just based on criteria but also getting background. Read up about the place or sign the person nominations. There might be more then meets the eye

I’m sorry, those statements contradict each other. The background should tell you how the nomination meets criteria. No other “background” is relevant.

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@seaprincesshnb I disagree with both of you on this. You reply and I not even a years on this. So you might mistake me for someone else. You think that I not trying to improve. And how do you know I not been asking for help. You not the only person here. Ever hear of one om one discussion.

Yeah I have make numerous posts about this issue. Not denying that. But it does say. A lot about Gate Keepers not understanding the limitation in rural areas. So do some background homework on these places. Then judging them from face value. You should do that as a Gate Keeper, or you just look at maps and words. That not much of someone I would ask help of l.

@hankwolfman - I am improving on my descption. You think I being nominating in my native language for nothing.

Nice to through your weight around like this. Simply does not meeting the criteria. Promise you today you reviewed and accepted street sign, little library or a random meaningless object. But by the words you are convinced meets the criteria.

You right I should stop posting such things on this platform. As I singing the same song. So does you all. I don’t care for your help if you don’t think before you jugde.But it is easier to judge then to think and work a little harder. Right ?

I disagree with hank and seaprincess on one of the nomination, but only slightly. Nonination 2 and 3, yeah, rejections all day long, dont meet criteria. The welcome sign though id maybe consider passing, it is unique to the area and is kind of cool looking. Id reject though caus rthe photo is bad, you need to get a lot closer and not have the mail boxes blocking it

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Wow, great reply. Look the background on this bus stop is was built in 2004. This one has chamber of secrets in it library.
This memorial is 100 year old but built 10 days ago. I not going to spin some sales description. I rather speak to the owner of the shop and put it in, that is exploration, sociaize and accurate located and. Etc.

Try reading these, you should have known the guidelines when you signed up to become one of us Wayfarers.

None of those, atleast to my understanding (I’m still fairly new to this), meet the guidelines.

We were all beginners at one point, took me 9 tries to get my first wayspot accepted.


When a bus stop was built has nothing to do with making it meet Wayfarer criteria.

And you still have not answered what those criteria are.

I know this topic has just started but a general reminder about remaining respectful please.

Please avoid using terms such as gatekeeper as they can be used in a derogatory way.

Moving this to Nomination Support


I appreciate you are feeling frustrated.
Wayfarer is in 2 halves submissions and reviews. If both halves are done well then there is little frustration. If either of the halves are done poorly then it is frustrating.
None of us set out to make a poor submission. And the feedback we get is not much to act on in order to figure out what went wrong. It is therefore easy to blame your fellow reviewers. And it may be that they do make mistakes from time to time, we all do as we are human.

Since the standard feedback is not good you are very welcome to ask here for opinions.

There are people here who will help you get the feedback but part of that is that you need to engage with that and to be open to taking on board what is being said.
If you are happy to try and turn your frustration around and take some of the advice you might stop finding wayfarer a tiring process and one that becomes more satisfying.
I’m happy to help.


Looks like you are taking the guidlines a little too literal then.

Everything can meet one of or all the criteria and to say otherwise is exactly why this game has a huge problem.

Starting over here and trying to help. From Niantic Wayfarer, every nomination:

Must meet at least one of the three eligibility criteria

  • A great place for exploration
  • A great place for exercise
  • A great place to be social with others

The ones that have been rejected for “Wayfarer criteria” never made it to community voting. They were rejected by Niantic’s ML (machine learning ai) model, and those emails will reference “our team.” I find it helps to keep from confusing the ai if I can eliminate most of the background in my photo and only include enough for context. I usually take my photos first, crop if needed (usually to square), and then submit.

For the neighborhood sign, I don’t personally see how those meet criteria, but Niantic has never stated that they are not eligible.

For the “Fresh Stop” there is an identifiable person centered in the photo. This is a reason to reject. I don’t see how this is more than just a place to run in to purchase something, but if you can convince it is significant to your community, you could try again with a better photo. I think this would be rejected as a generic business.

For the Supermarket, you would really have to prove that this is a unique destination for the community. Otherwise, it is a generic business, as it is not designed to be a place to be social, etc.

If you want to try to convince me that these DO meet criteria, that can be a great place to start with planning a new nomination of them. But start with improving the photos to give them the best chance.


Neighbourhood / apartment / development signs are a topic of debate, I think to qualify under the exploration criteria it has to be notable - Neighborhood Signs - #28 by eneeoh

Gas station convenience stores and local supermarkets don’t qualify under exploration, exercise or socialisation, and there are about 350 FreshStop stores so not unique.

I explored Secunda on StreetView and there are a LOT of identical looking suburbs, with identical looking modern houses on identical looking streets. These are not good places to find wayspots. Given that the town is only 50 years old then there won’t be much hidden history to uncover, however because it is growing then there may well be potential wayspots in new commercial and residential developments.

Wayfaring is not just about submitting new wayspots, looking in the database I do see some tired old wayspot photos that could use an update, possibly descriptions as well.


I was under the impression that the first nomination was not for the sign, but rather for the mailboxes, as they’re what the description mentions when run through Google translate.

It was for both I though the mailboxes with the sign. That why I said that you rarely see such setup. Because the “farm”:with the mail boxes gives it a nice village vide.

But should I resubmit and only focus on the sign ?

The town is 79 years old :sweat_smile:. The place I am working is 77 years old. Wrong source

But the thank you, I will take note of shops. There is not a shop like Veggie supermarket Secunda similar to this one. And your argument it not exploration or social are incorrect, because it a unique shop loved by the town. I know I stay here :joy:

There possible one or two places with similar set ups not with the farm vide.

I added the it to my home screen will read it today. Thank you