Worth an appeal/resubmission?

Hello! I’ve been reading and interacting with the community for a few weeks and, four days ago, I finally decided to start submitting. So far, I’ve had one wayspot approved and three rejections. I’m quite confident these fit the criteria, but have some issues I’m not sure how to fix. Any advice on what to change before resubmitting/apealing? (or if I should give up on the wayspots)

All of them are in Spanish. I’ve added the English translation to them so discussing is easier.

1.- Plaza (Community Rejection)

  • Catalan: Plaça de la Rosa dels Vents
  • English: ^ It’s the name of the plaza

Rejection Criteria:

  • [Initial] Unsafe access | Submitter Identifiable
  • [Upon restarting computer] Unsafe access | Orientation

Mail wording: Unfortunately, the community has decided not to accept your Wayspot nomination.

Primary Image Supplemental Image


  • Spanish: Plaza muy tranquila donde tomar un respiro en el largo camino del pueblo a la playa.
  • English: Very quiet plaza where you can take a break on the long walk from the town to the beach.

Supplemental Information:

  • Spanish: Debido a que es de reciente construcción, no aparece en street view (se ven las obras). Maps aún señala que hay una calle. Para confirmar la localización, el puente se construyó al mismo tiempo (distinto al de maps), y se pueden ver los edificios.
  • English: Because it is recently built, it does not appear in street view (still under construction). Maps still shows that there is a street. To confirm the location, the bridge was built at the same time (different from the maps), and the buildings can be seen.

Location: Plaça Rosa dels Vents, 117, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain

Personal opinion:

  • Unsafe Access: is due to street views being not up-to-date, supplemental image getting cropped when uploading (it was a 0.5 wide photo originally), and reviewers not realizing these two accesses:

  • Orientation: It’s true that if I were to make a photo from where the pin is, it would have a different orientation. I just put the pin on the bench where I sat to write the submission. Should I retake the image/move the pin to the place where the image was taken upon resubmitting/appealing?

2.- Historical Sign (AI Rejection)

  • Catalan: Señalización histórica del Paseo Marítimo
  • English: Historical sign of the Paseo Marítimo

Rejection Criteria:

  • Wayfarer criteria

Mail wording: Unfortunately, our team has decided not to accept your Wayspot nomination.


  • Spanish: Esta placa es una de las que pusieron originalmente en 1957, cuando se construyó la ciudad, para señalizar el Paseo Marítimo. Aún habiendo puesto de más modernas, las originales están protegidas como memoria histórica.
  • English: This plaque is one of those originally placed in 1957, when the city was built, to mark the Paseo Marítimo. Even though there are more modern ones placed, the originals are protected as historical memory.

Supplemental Information:

  • Spanish: Como se puede ver en la fotografía de soporte, la placa histórica se encuentra en el edificio (que no tenía jardín hace 67 años) y la moderna en el muro. Los propietarios del edificio tienen prohibido retirarla. El edificio es un complejo de apartamentos, no es SFPRP.
  • English: As can be seen in the supporting photograph, the historical plaque is on the building (which did not have a garden 67 years ago) and the modern one is on the wall. The building owners are prohibited from removing it. The building is an apartment complex, it is not SFPRP.

Location: Pg. Marítim, 94, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain

Personal opinion:

  • I must admit this one is a bit of a stretch. The only way I ended up knowing they were protected was due to me being friends with the building owner. I haven’t been able to find a reliable source.

  • I believe I read that Emily doesn’t like green, which this image has. Should I try cropping the image, that way Emily doesn’t see Nature? Or appeal for human review? Or just give up?

3.- Community Area (AI Rejection)

  • Catalan: Zona común para los vecinos de los apts. Saint Troppez
  • English: Communal area for residents of the Saint Tropez apts.

Rejection Criteria:

  • Wayfarer criteria

Mail wording: Unfortunately, our team has decided not to accept your Wayspot nomination.


  • Spanish: Balancín y mesa de pícnic para uso de los inquilinos del bloque de apartamentos Saint Troppez.
  • English: Seesaw and picnic table for use by the tenants of the Saint Troppez apartment block.

Supplemental Information:

  • Spanish: Debido a que la mayoría de apartamentos son de alquiler, se hacen muchas amistades de verano entre inquilinos habituales. De vez en cuando, se hacen noches de pizza entre vecinos.
  • English: Because most apartments are rentals, many summer friendships are made between regular tenants. From time to time, pizza nights are held between neighbors.

Location: Carrer 13 Bis, 4, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain.

Personal opinion:

  • I should have used the term “Columpio” instead of “Balancín”. Only realized after reading it again.

  • Does Emily translate or just looks at images? Even though this is a “Community” area, I decided to go with “Communal” as title would have been too long (“Zona comunitaria” vs “Zona común”). In colloquial Spanish, we use both terms exchangeability, but I believe English doesn’t.

  • I believe I read that Emily doesn’t like green, which this image has. Should I try submitting only the swing or table? That way I would be able to remove the tree. Or appeal for human review?

I can’t see these nominations so I can say nothing usefull about them, but actually, 1 out of 4 ain’t bad :wink:

When you appeal or resubmit, make sure your photos are clear (both of the object and the surrounding area including the object), the title and description are distinct and flawless, they fit one of the main criteria (socialize, exercise, explore) and motivate these VERY well, of possible with links. That might get your chances up to 1:3 ;-). There will always be that ‘roll of the dice’-factor , as far as I have experienced.

Now that I can see your photo’s, I personally would have denied them for the photos being way too dark, the shield is at the far site of the photo, and the plastic chairs make it look very much like private property, although the additional info would have ’ solved’ that. But those night time pictures…just a NO for me.

The historical street name sign seems to be on private property. It may not have been originally, but Im afraid it is now.

If you click on the “1.- Plaza…”, doesn’t it open the details? If so, I’ll reformat it. As I didn’t want to do a massive wall of text, I decided to format it as such.

I am able to follow your links and see the nominations but I have trouble addressing several things at one time.

Reformatted the post to get rid of detail formatting. Now it should show up without having to open anything.

For the community area - remember the ML is just a bot, so take the cleanest photo you can with the clearest focus on the subject matter. I think that not being able to detect what you were submitting led to the “Wayfarer criteria” rejection. Is there a reason that you submitted this that way instead of as a play area focused on the swing set? A daytime photo is not required but I think would help.

I think that the ML judges firstly on the photo and secondly may consider the text. But we (of course) do not know exactly how it works.

Also, I am not sure what you were trying to show in that supporting photo, because I can’t see anything in the main photo there. The supporting photo should also show the point of interest.


For the Historical Sign, this might be hard to get past ML rejection. You can try a photo that has less wall to make the focus more clear, maybe something like this. In case you don’t know, you can take photos first, then crop/straighten before making the nomination. Then you can choose “existing” photo when you submit the nomination.

If you have a link that proves this statement about being protected, I would edit that into the supporting statement from the contributions page.

I would resubmit 1 for sure - I understand why it has struggled but I would not give up :slight_smile:

I would not resubmit 2 as it is basically a street sign.

The photos on 3 have been addressed above already.

Community Area: No special reason, I just didn’t realize that I could split it. I’ve always thought about it as one. Would the swing set alone be okay as a PoI?

I’ll try taking a daytime photo next time I meet up with my friend (I do not live there).

Sign: Sadly, I do not have it. My city website is an out-of-date mess, everything is done in person/via phone. I’ll give up on it

In the 1st, would you retake the supplemental information image to include the sidewalk?

Showing the sidewalk isn’t really proof that it’s there

I don’t have any suggestions for the plaza but I would keep trying on this. Your supporting photo is going to be especially important to verify that the plaza exists where you say it does if it does not show on Maps at all. I am having trouble making out what you did include in the photo here.

When you say your image got cropped when uploading, I have never heard of that happening. What does the photo look like on your contributions page?

I wouldn’t worry too much about the specific rejection reasons that show there because I am not sure how the review flow puts together all the many things reviewers can check in the “Appropriate” section. Just take note that reviewers had trouble with something about the photo and something about the location.

I think your supporting photo is fine but if there is any way you can find a building/structure that hasn’t been remodelled recently nearby and that you can see on satellite or Street View then I would try to get a shot that includes it. If nothing else you’ll be able to point it out to appeal reviewers :wink:

Alternatively, does the area have any more up-to-date satellite maps that are not from Google? What does Apple Maps show? (You can check on the satellites.pro website for example)

Supplemental Image: It was the only way (via comparing the buildings shown in the photo and the ones in Street View) to prove that this plaza was in the place I said it was. Satellite Image is out-of-date aswell.

The image I posted is the one from the contributions page. It was an ultra-wide photo, taken with zoom x0.5 My phone died two days ago, so I don’t have the original in hand. Will do more testing tomorrow when it gets repaired.

@LCDAngel99 You can see in the satellite image that there was a sidewalk. Showing an up-to-date image of such sidewalk would be proof that it still is. If not, what would you suggest?

As the bridge has been remodelled aswell, the only building I could find is the one that shows on the image (which also shows on street view).

After going through all (1st page) “satellite imagery” google results, the most up-to-date imagery available is from the one you linked. It shows the same as Street View .

Adding one more on the mix. This one got rejected by community as: Generic Business | Private Residence or Farm. (See the contradiction? I find it funny.)

Title: Sunset Restaurant Mural.
Description: Painting found in the Sunset restaurant.

I do realize the multiple mistakes I made in the wayspot, but can’t think of a way to fix them.

  • In the title, I believe I shouldn’t mention that it’s a restaurant, I should emphasize I’m nominating the art instead of the business.
  • My supplemental info was also not good at all, I was tired and put very low effort on it.
  • I couldn’t think of how to call this. I used “Mural” and “Painting”, but I still can’t tell how this kind of artworks are called.

Also, the Location wayfarer says is: Passeig Garbí, 40, Bloque B, Piso 2, Puerta 2, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain, even thought the pin is at Passeig Garbí 82, …, Spain, here’s how far they are:

I don’t remember it being asked when submitting a PoI. Anyone knows why this happens and how to fix it? Can it be that it’s due to me placing the pin inside the building?