I submitted a waypoint that got rejected and I appealed it and it got rejected again

I submitted this garden thats really nice and has a couple of benches and it says that in the title but the people who reviewed the appeal didnt speak english. I was wondering what I should do to tell them that since there is no button I see to send them anything back.

If you’d like some feedback on the nomination, you can share your nomination here and folks will be happy to share advice on how to improve it’s chances of approval.

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This is the picture and the name is “Garden near street name” but replace the street name with the street name (i dont wanna dox myself)


Can we see some screenshots of the nomination, ie title, description, support info, and supporting picture?

You can blur out any info you dont want to share, totally understand not wishing to share location details

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Alr wait a sec


i translated stuff that was in icelandic to english



Okay it doesnt look like much of a garden in these views. Ie no structural planting, no flowers etc. That might be due to the time of year the images were taken. So I think that is the first issue to overcome

Secondly, your submission is quite brief- there’s no additional detail that might help to offset how the images look and give people a reason to accept it despite it not looking fantastic.

So what can you do differently?

First thing is, is there any sign or other proof that its indeed a garden that reviewers would accept. If so, focus the main image on that

If not, then if the place looks better at certain times, maybe its better to take a picture then, and use that image instead of the current one and see if the visual aspect of the garden can help matters

In either case, expand your description and supoorting information to really “sell” this place as a place to socialise or explore. Many parks and gardens are a place to sit eith friends. But explore might link to the kinds of plants grown, is it educational, good for the environment, medicinal plants, food foe the community etc?

Links to articles or websites mentioning the garden can help too


Thxx! Do i just submit it again because i dont see a way to appeal it after it has been appealed?

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Yes you submit it again, which gives you the opportunity to improve the description and support statements, and images too if possible

Please feel free to post again with the new nomination so we can advise while its still in queue/on hold - recommend putting it on hold to get some time for feedback if thats what you want to do, so it doesnt go into voting before youre ready


Before you resubmit, be prepared to explain why this little area with a couple of benches is a great place to exercise, explore or socialize. Those are the criteria you need to meet. Saying that the garden is accessible and a nice place to sit isn’t important.

The plants just look like normal landscaping. Is there a sign saying it’s special? Newspaper article you can link in Supporting?

The seating area might be easier to pass, as a place to be social. But probably not. You’d have to sell it, for people to see it as more than just a generic indistinct place with generic indistinct things.

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Another idea that might help (it may or may not apply though): if the garden has a formal name, you could explain what or who it was named for. Like if it’s called John Smith Garden, tell the reviewers who John Smith was and why he was honored with a garden. Or if it was named after an event or a place, tell them about that event or location and why the community honored that with a garden. That could be irrelevant to this specific garden, but for future parks and gardens it could be useful information to add to a nomination.

And if there are any community events held in the garden, such as a farmer’s market or summertime festivals or something like that, including a link to information about it might help too.

Another thought that occurs to me… Is there a fountain or other decorative water source there? Sometimes a feature in the garden like that can serve as an anchor point for the Wayspot.