(Please answer only regular users of Niantic products related to POIs)
Hello again everyone!
Yesterday’s conversation made me think whether simply following the Wayfarer rules corresponds to the idea behind the POI. I have always perceived Niantic games as an opportunity to explore interesting and useful places in the world around me from the point of view of self-development. I thought that I could open the game, poke my finger at any PokéStop and find out something interesting or important, and go to this place accordingly. How important are playgrounds from the point of view. I am not interested in visiting ordinary monotonous playgrounds, of which there are hundreds in my city. At the same time, in Niantic games there is no option to turn off the display of certain POI categories. (The question is, why do we need these categories then?). I am completely on the side of people who live in sparsely populated areas. Whose infrastructure in the area is not so well developed and a playground really is an important socializing element. But when it is a city with a fairly large population, in which there are a huge number of attractions, really interesting and useful establishments for self-development, places for recreation, etc. Why overload the map with unnecessary objects? Just because they meet the acceptance criteria? More equals better? Is this the idea behind the creation of the POI? How do you imagine the spirit of Wayfarer?
There are three eligibility criteria for a reason, namely to get people to go out and be active and socialize.
Playgrounds actually meet two of those eligibility criteria (and if interesting enough all three).
It is up to whatever criteria a game poses on the ingestion, if the wayspots get included or not.
The spirit of wayfarer is what you make of it, if you do not want to submit something because you are not a fan of the category of wayspots, then please do not submit it. But you cannot blame anyone else that does submit it.
I specifically set these rules for the post in order to find out the opinion of ordinary users. If I wanted to know the opinion of all players, I would not have specified these requirements. Unfortunately there is no option to make replies to a post anonymous to viewers. Your status may influence the opinion of other users, which is something I want to avoid. In the end, my requests were completely ignored. Thank you for your understanding.
Public fora don’t work that way. Wayfarer community is a public forum and everyone is welcome to share their thoughts, ambassadors or not. We shouldn’t/cannot stop anyone from sharing their opinions as long as they follow guidelines.
Ther were six football teams formed around the town of burgh. It became tricky and cumbersome for the teams to talk to each other and organise matches.
One day the six captains got together and formed an association of the six clubs to work out the playing roster etc.
Over time the association believed it was and became the boss. Even though it had been set up, funded and was owned by the clubs.
My spirit of Wayfarer is that it is primarily to aid the games and their players.
Of course, there will be parameters, guidelines etc to follow.
This is not true. Your comment was a personal attack on ambassadors which is a violation of forum guidelines. We do not remove contents criticizing Niantic as long as they are not personal attacks.
They are not obligated to give any explanation. Remember, they are volunteers who are investing their time and efforts for the betterment of the community on their own volition.
I think it is great that the Ambassadors are doing so much to support Wayfinder despite our language differences. However, I consider the general public and ambassadors to be equal participants in this forum. If you disagree with an opinion, even if it comes from an Ambassador, you can simply reply.
Seems everyone is fine whit niantic decision here in front of school entrance. But then you the tiles here placed by city dont become eligible because place by city you told me.
I’m a bit confused about the intent behind excluding a specific group from the discussion. If you’re looking for the best insights and perspectives, wouldn’t it make sense to hear from everyone, regardless of their title or role in the community? Ambassadors and regular users alike bring valuable experiences to the table.
From the way the discussion unfolded in your previous thread, it didn’t seem like there was much disagreement between different groups-everyone seemed to have a fairly similar perspective. Are you concerned that including ambassadors might steer the conversation in a direction you don’t want, or are you trying to encourage more casual input? Either way, open discussions usually work best when all voices are heard.
@Panjadraakj One of your posts was removed for being off-topic and the other one for spreading misinformation, which goes against our community guidelines. We encourage open discussions, but they should be based on facts and respectful dialogue. Please remember that repeated violations can lead to further action.
The ambassador status assigned under the nickname may cause an unconscious influence on the opinions of other users. Unfortunately, there is no way to organize an anonymous survey here. Therefore, I was forced to ask them not to respond to this post.