The marker was as accurate as I could possibly make it due to the blurriness and age of the map on Pokémon GO. I don’t even play Ingress, so I wouldn’t have seen this anyway. I just don’t get it.
Oh, I guess I should clarify that this was rejected for the infamous “various rejection criteria” and “inaccurate location.”
Can you also share your supporting information text and photo? I found the approximate pin location on Maps, but I don’t see an LFL there.
Cross Timbers Park Pond Branch
Is that the right area?
Same here, wondering about supporting photo and info. Found the pond around 33.1493084, -97.1198578, but Street View doesn’t show a LFL in the area. Street View was last updated in this area in June 2022.
I can’t wrap my mind around where the sidewalk is on street view in relation to the pond, table and sign to where this lfl could be. Not being on street view is not disqualifying.
There is even online proof that this lfl exists you could use in the supporting
Pretty obvious for me where it should be. I think a good reviewer would have been able to verify location. But, of course, a good nomination could have framed the nearby park sign or other features.
So, @tacofetus if you’re looking for constructive feedback and to rationalize the rejection can you share the rest of the details? It might be a simple resubmission.
that is the sidewalk in the photo that is turning me around.
It’s also listed as an official LFL on their website:
Not everyone knows to check the official site though, so it’s still up to the submitter to provide good supporting info and photo.
That’s the part of the park path that’s paved that goes through the woods.
I should also add that the sign, name, and location of the Wayspot are actually outdated and I’ve got things in voting to fix those.
No reviewer should have to look it up on the official LFL website. The nomination should give all the proof you need.
I would also like to see the second photo. If it does not show the LFL in relation to the background, I don’t blame reviewers for not wanting to do the legwork that the submitter should have done.
With this supporting photo I would have accepted if I had seen this. You still have not shown your supporting statement where you could easily have pointed out how reviewers could verify this exists where you say it does.
It may surprise you to learn this, but many people will attempt to fake LFL locations, and reviewers are naturally suspicious if they can’t see the LFL on Maps. If it were me, I would just resubmit with possibly a wider view in the supporting section.
Hi everyone! I’ve removed or modified some comments to help bring the discussion back on track. Please keep the conversation focused on the main topic. Thank you for your understanding!
To piggyback on @seaprincesshnb post, I’ve taken to really try and “Rejection proof” nominations. Look at your nomination through the lense of the reviewer. Give them all the info they need to accept your nomination.
This is one I did recently, I knew that reviewers wouldn’t be able to see this from satellite and there was no streetview. So I downloaded and used a GPS camera app that superimposed the coordinates on the supporting photo. Giving the reviewer the most info possible will put a lot of minds at ease that what you are presenting them is factual.
Here is another one I did before I had the app, I told them where I was standing and what direction I was facing taking the supporting photo. You could see the trails on the map but not the bridge. Giving them more info gave them a level of trust in what I was submitting.
Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with this submission, I would just want to verify it’s location as many people have these in front of homes. Being in front of Private residential property is a Rejection reason, so proving that is what is needed.