Appeal removed waypoint existing POI

  • Wayspot Title: Minibieb Palemig
  • Location (lat/lon): 50°54’11.6"N 5°59’25.3"E (50.903215,5.990363)
  • City: Heerlen
  • Country: The Netherlands
  • Additional Information: The waypoint got removed on Friday 21/02/2025 in all games but Campfire (for example, it was a Gym in Pokémon Go). The actual POI exist since 2018 (Tiny Library). Neither the community nor I can’t figure out why this specific spot got removed, as it has been a valid waypoint/POI since August 2020. I have been the OG nominator, so I would like to provide some information about the POI: It is a tiny community library in the middle of the neighbourhood of Palemig, city of Heerlen. It’s not located on private property and cared for by the local neighbourhood assosiation team. The local team is aware it is a waypoint in at least Pokémon Go.

Two questions:

  • why has this been removed as a waypoint?
  • Could this waypoint be restored please?

No other waypoints have been removed or adapted in the neighbourhood, and we don’t understand why this specific one got targetted. We would like to see it restored in the game. If I have to provide any additional information I would glady do so.



Welcome to the forum!

Campfire takes a while to update, so it is not a good indicator of current Wayspots.

From what I see on Street View, my guess would be that this was removed as SFPRP (single family private residential property) even though you say it is not:

If you have evidence that this is not on the boundary fence for that type of property, you should present it to help your case.

The other reason I could guess for removal is a property owner request.

For the record, I have no say in the outcome of the appeal. I am just trying to help.

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Thanks for your reply. To my understanding it was only an issue if it was attached to a house or placed in the front yard. This being a wall which is defined as a boundary fence might be a reason the waypoint got removed, if that’s part of the rules, yes.

You shared the actual rule (thanks for that): has this been updated in the not-so-distant past? I can’t seem to remember the fence or boundary rule. (at least I wasn’t aware in 2020).

It’s a sad day if it’s not being restored of course, But I can’t argue with the Wayfarer rules. Thanks for the help to clarify, Cyndiepooh!

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There was a “Criteria Challenge” in 2022 where a lot of these misunderstood points were clarified:

And then they were listed out on this new forum in their own category: Criteria Clarification Collection

These are also listed on the Wayfarer site now here:

But I totally get that you have to be made aware that the clarifications have been made before you even think about looking for them.

I have no experience with SFPRP in your part of the world, and the Google labels here had me confused as to whether this really is SFPRP:

But glad I could help point you to the more recent clarification.

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I see. I will read up on this, I seem to have missed that for some reason, that’s on me.

About the SFRPRP and the rules: it feels to me this POI appears to be in a gray area. I wouldn’t agree with the fact that this specific POI is on SFRPRP, because it is located above the public sidewalk - but that’s me being biased about the situation. In the end there’s no discussion possible with the Wayfarer rules and if this include that a POI is not allowed to be attached to a boundary of a property, so be it.

Thanks again for the help figuring this out!

I still do hope the waypoint can be restored, but I’ll let the Wayfarer team be the judge of that.

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Sorry this is not a gray area. Any part of the SFPRP is off-limits for wayspots, this has also not changed (only clarifications have been added on this, even as far back as 2018 you can find the same clarification as here on the forum). I get the confusion that the object is accessible from the sidewalk, and the object itself is meant to invite people to come and visit. However, that is different than placing a digital marker on that single family private residential property to invite gamers over.

Unfortunately, you can find many of these LFL examples on SFPRP still in the games so that does not help with the confusion, but existing wayspots should not be regarded as a reflection of what eligible wayspots are. Hope this clarifies it for you.


Thanks for taking the time to reply, but your comment does not clarify anything Cyndiepooh already clarified.

You seem to single out one sentence of my earlier comment, but seem to ignore the fact that I mentioned the local community or I are of course biased about the situation, loosing a popular waypoint in the games. We would rather not, you see?

The fact I’m biased does not mean I don’t understand the rules and will accept the decision of the appeal, which I mentioned as well in my earlier statement. It is my mistake not knowing the fact that a boundary of a SFPRP is also not allowed anymore (or maybe never has been) -One could say I should have done better research 5 years ago- which I also acknowledged earlier.

One last thing: I wouldn’t pin this only on LFL, located on SFPRP. A lot of art, statues, historical objects and murals located on SFPRP are of course bound to the same rules I would say.


I just wanted to clarify that this is not something new, but has been like this for a long time. Sorry if you feel that was redundant (no hard feelings :slight_smile: ). And respect for taking it so well, as I can only imagine how it must feel to see something removed after being a wayspot for such a long time.

And LFL are not the only examples of SFPRP you can find in the games no, but they are the most confusing ones as they are meant to bring people to SFPRP to exchange books. However beautiful or important an object is, if it is somehow part of the rejection criteria, that will still result in the wayspot being ineligible.


no hard feelings

None taken! Yes, it does not look great for the waypoint, but the discussion at least helped me/us get some updated insights for future nominations and I never shy away from a healthy discussion. I’m glad for the help either way.
