Bad Gym Creation

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: La réponse à l’univers, à la vie et au …
  • Location (lat/lon): 48,8649510, 2,5467025
  • City: Neuilly-sur-Marne
  • Country: France
  • Additional Information (if any):

Hi everyone,
I’m Yutil, and Pokémon Go and Wayfarer are my passion. Since 2 months, I’m back exploring and adding POI in Neuilly-sur-Marne, my town.
Recently, I created a POI (a playground), making the 6th POI of the area.

The oldest POI became a New Gym. Unfortunately, this POI isn’t accessible since month because of site works (they’ll planning a new rail station, perhaps it will be erases). I canno’t send an ingame report because It IS impossible to Access anywhere close to the gym. I’ve made 2km walk around today.

For me, we must delete this POI, or move the Gym on this one, which IS clearly accessible, close to the Park entrance and along a main road.

  • Wayspot Title: Les Lions de Jardiland
  • Location (lat/lon): 48,8620581, 2,5430647
  • City: Neuilly-sur-Marne
  • Country: France

I stay available for further informations.
Thanks you in advance, Yutil.

Hello! There is a button at the top of this website that says “Wayspots Removals”. You can ask there for the removal of this wayspot if you consider it should be removed.

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I’ve made a request this way.
Thanks you !

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