Can I alter the exact pinpoint when editing a nomination?

I made a new nomination yesterday that I uploaded today, and to my surprise the nomination point seems to have jumped a bit, although it was EXACTLY in the middle of the table yesterday when I confirmed the submission. This has happened to me more often, and might have to do with the sometimes pretty lousy 5g or GPS around here, although it’s not even really the middle of nowhere.

I was wondering if there is a way to correct this spot during the nomination, or that I have to try over and over again until I got the correct point. Instead of the point I selected and confirmed, it seems to have picked the point from which I took the area photo.

The correct point is the green dot left below the marker. I encircled it in Google maps, where you might even be able to distinguished the set.

As you can see the road is drawn in in maps anit off too; at the bottom it goes through the houses, where there is gardens in front of the buildings even :lol:.

It is near a crossroads of cells, but in all four adjecent cells, this is the absolute last thing I am able to nominate, so that does not really matter.

(I know these are a 50/50 long shot, but I do love these places so much that I keep trying occasionally, hoping for a good day ;-). Rural areas are hard…)

In short :
-can I correct this,
-should I just submit,
-or do I have to try all over if I can get there again?


Unfortunately, once a Wayspot nomination has been uploaded, there is no way to correct the location. The only things that can be edited are title, description, and supporting info. Not even the photos can be updated.

There has been some issues when uploading where it’s not using the point the user chose, but instead the point the person is at when uploading, especially when using Upload Later. I’ve had some reviews for POIs that aren’t anywhere near where the location is, or it’s at the location of another Wayspot already on the map. While it hasn’t happened to me (I don’t have a 5G phone yet), it has happened to others with newer phones, mainly newer Android run phones.

If the submission is still in queue, you may want to withdraw it and try resubmitting. If it’s in voting, you may just have to wait and see if it’s accepted or not, and if accepted, then try to do a location edit.

It is currently on hold. Unfortunately we cannot delete nominations, only withdraw, but they will stay in the line-up forever. I have another withdrawal already with the same issues. Yes, is a pretty new Android, Samsung A54 5g.

But nice to know i am not the only one with this issue; I was starting to doubt myself. My eyesight is not the best, but I can’t be THAT far off :wink:

I’ll have to give it another go then. Or two. Or three.

Judging from most of the stops in my town from before I started wayfairing, those 5-10 meters have NEVER been a problem until I started nominating, as over 50% is WAY off, but after a gazillion rejections and appeals, I’m not gonna take any risks.

Can you alter it BEFORE uploading, so on my phone? Although as far as I remember, it was pointed correctly before I took the photos.

Were you right at the edge of the remote range for submitting? That happened to me with an edit bouncing to a different location than where I had the pin years ago. There has been a bug for a while with Pokemon Go keeping the same coordinates for multiple nominations made without completely backing out, but this does not sound like that issue since you were checking where the pin was while nominating.

[of course, I couldn’t see where my edit landed, but someone who did see it in review asked me why i put it in a parking space. i didn’t.]

The only way to alter is to completely restart with the submission. Yes, it’s annoying, but it’s the only way.

And yes, we can’t delete submission, only hold or withdraw them. However, they are marked as such in Contribution Management. I have a few withdrawn submissions, and I don’t notice them anymore, unless I filter to show withdrawn ones. I think it’s a good thing to have a record of what we have tried, but withdrawn or held, in the past, in case we want to compare if we resubmit in the future.

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when you review the nomination before submitting, you can move the pin i believe. once you submit, even if you use “upload later”, i don’t think you can

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Now this is REALLY weird. I had this nomination on hold, because I was still editing and asked about moving the pinpoint. Which I can’t, so I wanted to withdraw it for later try.

Then suddenly I got a mail today (actually last night, I saw it today) that my nomination was declined.

How ??? It was not even submitted yet !!!

Of course the motivation, again, gives not the slightest clarity. Could be anything (and here my guess would be the wrong pinpoint). After five successful nominations for these, they suddenly started declining them for completely mysterious reasons, as they are pivotal social hotspots for the community…

I’ll better start looking for trailmarkers, I guess. Pretty places are no longer acceptable…:frowning: . The village is more or less dried out.

Maybe they should instruct ‘our team’ to not judge nominations that are on hold. Or instruct ‘our team’ in ANY way, shape or form. To read info, and apply context. :rage:. Maybe read those criteria themselves for a change.

Just verifying that a held nomination was pulled for ML review? That you had used the “Hold” button and that was showing as its status? This should not happen, and should be reported as a bug.

It looks like it. And since I new beforehand the location was wrong, I did not rehlease hold yet, and decided to withdraw (which I had not done yet). It was in ‘edit mode’ and on hold.

I am sooonoo NOT going to waste an appeal on it. But I’m pretty sure it will be declined again and again, since suddenly these appear to be bad wayports, even though they are social points, that I frequently use when I’m exploring the village during my daily exercise, that ‘shapes my world and my adventures’. Much more then a wall with graffiti on it :wink:

You don’t happen to have the nomination status tool installed from do you? It would have shown if you had it on hold and had not released it. It won’t work retroactively though:

I just realized we have not even talked about what you are nominating. If you want advice on that, feel free to ask.

No, just the website and the app. I’m not clever enough to get all kinds of plugins working ;-). Especially not on three devices.

I was nominating another neighborhood meeting area, as I wrote about a week or so ago. The first few went through with no problems, but since then EVERY SINGLE ONE got denied.

I just know it was, because I always put them on hold after uploading immediately, to edit them later when I have the time. It was in edit mode when I noticed the wrong marker and asked my question about it here. So it definitely was 100% on hold.

Oh right, these are so cute and promote social interaction!

ML pulling from “On hold” is worrisome, but without evidence of that, I guess showing up as “not accepted” because of the ML rejection is not that different than it showing up as “not accepted” in your contributions page because you withdrew it. I would ask what the rejection reason was but will guess it was “Wayfarer criteria”

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The riddle is in the rejection mail : my job is probably too guess…?

Our team found it did not meet the criteria required to be accepted and has been rejected. This decision could be because of the title, description, location, photo, or a combination of criteria. For future nominations, please review our Wayspot criteria help articles to learn more about what makes a good Wayspot.

The rejection reason is never in the email. The clue here is that it was a decision by “Our team” and not the “community.” The rejection reasons will be on the contributions page as indicated in my snip above.

Yeah, there it indeed says ‘wayfairer criteria’.

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I looked into the nomination history and I can see that the hold was released when you edited the nomination text.


ty for checking! I wasn’t going to tag you since there was no evidence, but i appreciate you doing it. settles that question.


How? Does that happen automatically when you leave the page on ‘edit’ and close the app?
I really thought you had to click ‘release hold’ and my edit was not yet ready, because of the location error…

The nail came about an hour after I left the app to ask my question here

I tested it just now and it does not happen. You might have mistakenly released the hold.

100% sure I didn’t, because I would have had to scroll all the way down and click a button for that, but it does not matter because it wont change the outcome. :wink: