Are people actually approving these now or are they just slipping through the AI review? I’ve started to see more and more generic mailboxes appearing as wayspots. There is nothing unique about them. They all have the exact same design. Is there a way to get them removed once they’ve been accepted? They’re a perfect example of something mass-produced that should have been rejected during the review process.
It could be a mix of both ML and community approval. Because of the art wraps on them, some may see them as having non-mas produced art on them, as not all Canada Post post boxes have them yet. Many smaller towns still don’t have the wraps, since they were designed to deter vandalism art or graffiti.
Removal criteria is more strict than approval criteria, as there’s no option to request removal of something that is mass produced/generic. If you aren’t able to get them removed in-game, you may want to use the following link (it’s for PoGo, but works for all Wayspots):
These are all over here, although I haven’t seen a new one approved in a while. They’re likely community approved because they are all over the map and people assume because they’re on the map they must be eligible and they try one that’s close to their house, or work or something.
I got all of these in my reviews in just over a month…