Challenge weirdness?

Does the quality of reviewing go down during challenges? Before the current challenge, most of my nominations and edit submissions were approved. Since this challenge started, all but one of my submissions that have been in queue have been rejected. And for reasons that don’t make sense to me, like “face/body part in photo” when the photo doesn’t contain even a shadow of a body part let alone an actual body part or person.

It get that rejections happen, and it’s all pretty subjective, so I usually give fellow reviewers some slack if my stuff gets rejected, or use it to make my future submissions better. But this past week or so has just seemed bananas. It just seems like people aren’t even reading or paying attention to things. Which is especially frustrating as I feel like I take good care to thoroughly read and thoughtfully examine all the reviews/edits that I look at.

Is this normal for reviewing quality to decrease, or am I just misinterpreting things? Would it be worth the time to appeal/resubmit some of my nominations after the challenge ends?

It could be people who are trying to hit the 500 reviewed nominations before the challenge ends so there rushing it and clicking whatever. People are also reviewing from everywhere in the world and some things get accepted in their country that wont in some so people have different views on nominations.


More likely it’s that you got reveiwers from all over the world, who don’t know your language or culture.

It is certainly harder to review in other countries and cultures. I know I used the SKIP button liberally, especially on the German text edits.
This challenge was particularly difficult because some of the technical difficulties appeared to make certain low-quality nominations keep popping up for people far more than they should have. I usually approve 2/3 of the nominations I see, and during this challenge I believe I rejected 2/3 of them.
Overall, even if the quality goes down some, the reviewers are still trying to review properly, and with how much it helps clear out the backlogs, you should be able to renominate some, or appeal them. Good luck!