I have been submitting “Submitter Visible” for their shadow being in the photo. All because I personally interpret it that way from the rules. I however wanted to make sure if I am right or wrong. Especially if the rest of the submission checks off on a good submission. Albeit I’m still learning the intricacies, and the finer details of reviewing. I appreciate any help and thank you.
imo, this does not identify the submitter. if the shadow is too distracting, i will reject as a low quality photo. otherwise i will mark idk on photo accuracy but accept.
Shadows on its own isn’t grounds to class as Submitter Visible. I understand why you would do that, and that was my viewpoint when I first started. The Submitter Visible is when you can see their body part (foot / shoe, legs, hands, face, etc) in the image, including in a reflection.
Thank you for the answer.
makes you wonder about people who always get their shadow in. But we will never know
I always feel uneasy having my own shadow in my nomination. I often ask myself, will I get a shadow ban.
I make sure to never have in… Reflections, shadows
Cyndiepooh made a great point. If it ruins main picture mark as poor quality. I like that.
You’re view on it makes more sense, considering i was viewing and marking them as submitter visible. I will now mark the photo’s low quality instead.