
How often are there Challenges held with wayfarer. I quite enjoyed the previous one and am looking forward for the next(Rewards are awesome as well). Do the challenges get held quaterly, Twice a year or just every now and then


Typically one per quarter. There was not one for Q1 due to various reasons.

The next one should be in Q3 barring anything to stop it happening then.


Hello from Q3. wegot a challange or what?

Thereā€™s no guarantee of quarterly challenges. However, if there will be one, Niantic will announce it about a week before itā€™s suppose to start.

We are only a few weeks in to Q3, I would advise being patient.

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Do have a look around the different channels - called categories and topics in Discourse.
Really this category is sleeping for the moment and will wake up again when we have a new challenge. At that point you will see messages all about it.:sunglasses:

Maybe they could let us vote again on things that are on the map that are not actually eligible.

That would be fun and take a whileā€¦ Iā€™m absolutely positive there would be no bouncing balloons.

Cue the ā€˜My P0kest0p has disappearedā€™ threads.


Do you mean ā€œa bit dull and doesnt meet current criteriaā€ or ā€œthat should never have been approved in the history of submissionsā€? The latter would be fine, ie removing fire stations, schools, etc

The former, well, I think whole areas would get stripped especially if reviewers applied an overly high standard to rural areas and decided to remove all the trails and footpaths. Postboxes would also disappear.

A bit dull, numerous and never met any criteria :slight_smile:

That would mean weā€™d lose like 50% of waypoints in some areas. Because some people think a lot of dull but eligible stuff is ineligible. Letā€™s not :laughing:


Dull is subjective. Just the ineligible stuff like DFBs, postboxes etc

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Postboxes used to link to old criteria - I believe it was historical significance. I think thatā€™s the logic for not accepting Elizabeth ones - she was the current monarch when we had the old critieria. Plus, how common they were vs the older ones. But I dont see them as the worst offenders. They are something that enables villages and suburban players to have the odd waypoint that wasnā€™t fake

Benches, kind of agree, I think people submit them now because they are common existing waypoints which implies eligibility for people who donā€™t spend time on the forum :laughing: plus Emily seems to really like them


Are they historically significant on an individual level? When they have been moved around and donā€™t have any relevance to the area they are in?

Did the UK just collectively decide en masse to wave away facts for m0ar?

I think we need to have a fight over this.

August 16th, Boxhill at sunrise.

Bring pointy sticks.

And some cake!

If thereā€™s cakeā€¦


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To be honest I donā€™t even care about postboxes eligibility or not.

My only real aim is to be infamous as the man who removed 27,765 Wayspots overnight.

Then I will quit the game and go into hiding.