Criteria Clarification Collection - Discussion

Just rejected, no Idea why

You can even see first picture 1:1, second with more view to the environment. The historical way is already descripted in the title.

100m away from it accepted. No one can see a way how to handle this.

The direction of the Mauerweg plates is clear to see even with no arrow in it.

The signs meet criterea ‘Exploration’, the name of the way is on the plate. If such signs at an official historical walk and bicycle way gets rejected, thousands of trail markers should get out of the database.

So in conclusion to my question how wayfarer should handle Trails & Markers I came to this answer:

  • The marker needs to be unique. Every 5 km the same marker marks them as generic.
  • The marker needs a logo.
  • The marker needs the name of the trail.
  • The marker needs an arrow.
  • The trail must be well documented online.
  • Two or more marker at one point: each of them must be different to the other at least at one point (eg. the arrow).
  • Direction signs for bikes & pedestrians with distances on them are generic, even with an individual plate unter/above/next to them, even they only exists once. Unless they are wooden, then it’s okay.

Note: documentation doesn’t gurantee the wayspot: Appeal removed hiking trailmarker - #2 by NianticAtlas - first it was two times rejected, then at least accepted.

Note 2: Possible Wayspots on trails with historical, cultural or religional background don’t mark them as possible candidates for a wayspot when only one of the first 6 points doesn’t fit.