Criteria Clarification Collection - Discussion

I’ll look forward to the guidelines being followed… :slight_smile:



Pubs - Sorry, social gathering places.

Postboxes - Sorry, historic items with cultural importance.

Public footpath - Sorry, official trail markers.

Great work on making an interesting map, UK people :+1:


Community outdoor pools - what are they why would you gather outised in the rain?
Strip malls _ what are they :woman_shrugging:
Pavilions that don’t look anything like Lords.

Every country and culture has their quirks. Hopefully a lot of what we have talked about s a general set of guidelines can be applicable in places around the globe some of which might not have many resources but we hope they will want to enjoy exploring.

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If I get trampled by a horse while following the Kest Blue route trail I’m blaming yourself and @NianticTintino @elijustrying :horse: :smiling_face_with_tear:


I feel there is a whole GCSE that could be done on writing a good submission :joy:

I think people have felt the need to present things in a way that ticks perceived boxes. Its not hugely helpful when people take words literally with specific meaning (this applies across all criteria) when the English language is full of quirks. Goodness knows how these translate into other languages.
Perhaps (she said ever the optimist :joy:) with better clarification people can move away from previous writing up and feel confident about describing things more accurately, but more than anything just describing, a little effort please :pray: rather than saying one word.


Follow the country code and you’ll fine.


I’m pretty sure that was a prime site for viewing the northern lights due to open views and dark skies. Have heard a lot about how beautiful the area is, so would happily accept some trails around it under exercise/explore. Don’t really care if the markers are bland

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I’m sure it is.

Maybe this one has a great description and the submission had links to the prow with a detailed support?

I know the ones I review and reviewed here didn’t.

Now having Northern Lights in the background would have been a great photo.

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And a horse.

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What would you do with this?

I mean, if the submitter is buying me a couple of chicken bakes from Greggs, who am I to argue with that submission? :thinking::joy:


Do a little sick in my mouth! :nauseated_face:

What would any of you do with this fine example?

Ignoring the lack of Capitalisation, there’s no links, the support and description is lacking, sure there’s a river nearby.

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Given the emptiness of that duplicates map, I’d be sympathetic and probably give it a thumbs up for exercise

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Given I have had to do an edit review on a Lidl, clearly accept! Its almost the same as Tesco after all and we know how good they are :wink:(joking)


I agree, it is such a complicated thing, especially when the same things have different meanings to different people and in different areas with local customs and so much more. I’m happy to do my best to follow what the team want in their database but it seems that not even they know half the time!

I really feel a huge part of the issue is from poor communication and confusing messaging from Niantic, especially what little is shown in game and to those that don’t regularly browse the forums here.

It really shouldn’t be too much work to make it clear what they are after, what they mean by nuance and using best judgement, how to write a good submission, what evidence to include, providing more description that just a single word or two and so on. Regular showcases that are properly curated, an ongoing display of the best of the week with actual discussion on what makes them so good, etc…

How many times do we have to have the same questions and frustrations expressed by new people before something changes, how many people give up because they are just so confused? This criteria clarification is a good start but I feel we need something more robust, several of the examples just lead to more questions. The onus is on the Wayfarer team to provide that clarity and communication and they need to do it quickly. Things could be so much better, it’s frustrating to see the potential and have them fall so short.

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Greggs sausage rolls :yum: :yum: :yum:

I don’t think we are a fan of these sorts of places in the UK. They are much more functional about going to buy rather than going to socialise.

And that is the key with this one would this be a good place to socialise as opposed to once I have been to lidl, I can grab a coffee and a sausage roll. And there tends not to be a nice open space sitting area that you might meet someone. Not that we would think to build a shelter from the elements in the UK :roll_eyes:
I believe things are different in other countries
