Since my rating has dropped into “fair”, myself and a friend have been painstakingly tracking all of our reviews in spreadsheets in order to learn and improve. This has been a time consuming process, but after weeks of doing this, there are several inconsistencies but the most indisputable piece of data is Duplicates.
I have marked several submissions as duplicates—same exact mural, same memorial bench, etc.—yet, while these duplicate marks are counted towards total reviews, they haven’t contributed to agreements, even after weeks of tracking…
Is it possible that other reviewers are accepting or rejecting duplicates, causing me to be in disagreement? I am genuinely trying to improve my rating back into good, but I am concerned that my score has been negatively impacted if other reviewers not checking accuracy. Duplicates are just one concerning trend that I’ve observed, but is the least subjective and therefore most indisputable data point to demonstrate that there could be a problem with the review system.
How long has it been since you voted on them? It could be that they just haven’t reached a resolution yet, and in my experience, duplicates take longer to resolve than agreements or disagreements. It’s likely due to what you mentioned, people not paying attention.
Do you have the ability to go to one of the nominations that you marked as a duplicate? If it is resolved, the picture of the new nomination should show up in the list of picture options on the Wayspot that was the original one.
I hope that’s the case and there isn’t an issue with them…
@NianticAaron Can you have a look at these and see if there is an actual concern with this, or if they just need to be patient?
How do I look up final decisions of the reviews I completed?
As an example, on 8/12/24, I marked Paul K. Yeatts Memorial Bench as duplicate. I didn’t write down the location.
I had been suspicious that something was broken long before I started tracking, but I only had mental notes to go on. Now we have two people with a few weeks of data showing there is something wrong, and it may not be just with duplicates.
There are third party tools available that will keep your review history. You can find them at There is a link to the Wayfarer Discussion Discord server as well, where people can help you if you have any issues using them.
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Oh I got that one too!
It isn’t in Ingress though, so I can’t check if the photo was added. I doubt it is a Pokestop either so someone would have to have access to the Wayfarer app to check for us:
I am going to look into the tools so I don’t have to write them all down. I feel old now.
Even if it was in ingress, my assumption is that it would only add a photo IF and only IF the title was the same.
It likely would never appear as pokestop, unless it happened to be in a different cell.
No it doesn’t matter what the name is. If the Wayspot is decided as a “duplicate” then the photo is added to the Wayspot it is a duplicate of. I believe that is only true if it is community voting, and not a Niantic decision.
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Also, you reviewed in May. I reviewed in August. It may be still in voting?? Odd that it would take so long! It’s so obvious of a duplicate.
That memorial bench does have two photos.
Either of those look familiar?
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OR, they could have resubmitted it thinking we were wrong to mark it as a “Duplicate” and not knowing to check for Wayspots that don’t appear in Pokemon Go. You did show it as properly capitalized while the one I reviewed was not.
well will you look at this? i got it twice
this was the duplicate
this was the original i rejected
So it looks like they keep on submitting this
They may keep submitting because they think reviewers are wrongly duplicating it as it is not pokemon Go and not in Ingress. If they don’t have the toggle switched or they are an Ingress p,Ayer they could be unaware.
But interesting that you were able to help out because you had both reviewed.
PS the trailhead also has 4 photos…
My point is that it is clear duplicate, but I have not gotten credit for any duplicate agreements since I’ve started tracking all of my reviews.
Other reviewers have to agree with you that it’s a duplicate for it to be counted as such. It’s possible that others rejected it differently, or it hasn’t been rejected enough as a dupe to get counted yet.
Niantic does not disclose how many votes on a submission is needed for a final decision to be made, and it’s typically at this point when we’ll get agreements, if there are any. Depending on the area, it’s not unusual for it to take a few years for a final decision to be made on a submission, especially if the submission wasn’t upgraded.
My bonus location is in an areas with very few reviewers, so it takes longer for me to get agreements from that area, sometimes months or years. I actually have a few edits still in voting from this area that I submitted almost 2 months ago, and I don’t want to upgrade due to Google Maps having the incorrect information, so I’m hoping the local reviewers know the area better and will accept.
My home location also has ebbs and flows in the number of reviewers. Right now, with school starting again, it’s been a little slow, and we only have 1 Featrued Wayspot this week, one that I voted on a few weeks ago. It may start to pick up again once all of the schools and colleges are in session, as we get a good number of college students reviewing.
Long ago, we were told that a duplicate agreed with a rejection. Both are not an acceptance. I guess that could have changed, but I think Niantic does not do random coding work like that.
If you can’t check the wayspot to see if the picture was added, then you don’t know if it was marked duplicate or is still in flight.
The known agreement discrepancy is edits. On the Wayfarer site, edits do not count as agreements. But for your badge in your game, they do count (with a short sync lag).