E-charging station - eligible?

Hi, my nomination is e-charging station with 14 chargers, I believe that this nomination should be elegible, if not please share your view.


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What criteria are you saying it meets?

I would personally struggle to support this. The question is, why would a number of Ingress, Peridot or Pokemon Go players (other Niantic Games may exist) meet up at this location? Would this be a great place to socialise? Would this be a great place to explore? Would this be a great place to get exercise? It goes down to interpretation, but I can’t see how this would meet many or any of the criteria.

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well - it¨s appropriate as its not restricted, ticketed nor businesses indoor laocation with items to purchase
it is safe as it is accessible on walkway for pedestrians
accuracy is ok- title and photo are ok, location is exactly as on map
permanent and distinct - permanent is clear, distinct - it is the only e-charging station within several long miles
socializing - during charging you are welcome to socialize with other drivers and pedestrians as it happened to me during nomination process
exercise - you can exercise tehre it is only dependent on your will
explore - as I mentioned - it tha largest e-charging station for long miles, so I believe people will use it and and will share the knowledge about the location widely
location itself is completelly new, not even whole rented but there are seceral nice places for people working there

great place for socializing? imagine working there - the location is just several big buildings so in case you are NIA games player you will love to have POI there

I think we are going to agree to disagree on this. I don’t think it should be accepted.


thanks for your view. looking at possible NIA location categories there is one special directly mentioned - “structure - e-charging station”, therefore my view is it is elegible

Remember, the ML rejected it. So unless you resubmit it, and provide a compelling reason as to why it should be accepted by providing a strong description and supporting information, even if it got to human reviewers, if they are not bought into it, it’ll be a tough sell. You can appeal the ML rejection (2 appeals each month if you are not aware) and see if you can get it approved.

“Elementary schools” are also listed. And if you look through you’ll find other examples of explicitly ineligible candidate tags.

Agreed it’s very unclear, but the list of tags is not meant to be a comprehensive guide.


you are right, I just tried :wink:

I know that it was Emily, I was looking for community view to build strong arguments

From my perspective, it doesn’t promote exercise or explore. I am struggling to see how it meets the criteria on socialising. Normally people would plug their car into the charger and either go shopping or whatever services that are available on the site whilst their cars are being charged. I can’t see many people playing any of the Niantic games whilst their cars are being charged. I could be wrong, but I wouldn’t want to be socialising, exercising or exploring whilst my car is charging.


there is still almost no shopping, the place will be used by people from surrounding villages for charging and waiting for end of cycle.
as I mentioned before it is completelly new site

but ok, i can see it will be tough to beat Emily and even humans

I know I am being negative about the submission. The best way for me to explain it is for me to say this is nothing more than a petrol station for electric cars.



but here these stations are still unusual here

Electric charging stations (albeit scattered and also available at some shopping areas) are becoming more common. It won’t be long before it becomes more popular than Petrol Stations.


I give up

have a great day, thanks

Sorry… I’m having that effect on people lately.

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Sorry. I don’t think this should be accepted, for the same reason we don’t nominate gasoline pumps. I doesn’t meet any of the criteria for socialization, exploration, or exercise.


thanks for your view

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