Edits in Contribution Management Page - Discussion

I kept getting E2 error when I try to upgrade nominations. It only seems to work on nominations I don’t want to upgrade.

I only get one new appeal today. Isn’t yet active the “2 appeals every 20 days” or it’s a bug?

It is active. But it is from 20 days since you last used an appeal. I used one the day before this change and then received 1 more since. I have to wait until the first has lapsed its “20 days” to use another. So check any old emails to see the last date you used one.

So you do get 2.

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There is a known issue with upgrades for edits:

It’s possible that for edits/submissions, they aren’t allowing upgrades to be done at this time, or Niantic is not allowing upgrades for edits/submissions going back a certain amount of time. Many have been upgrading old edits, some a few years old, and most likely there is now a backlog. The 3 photo submissions I upgraded are all from July 2023 and were in voting.


Okay, so the one that I received it’s the second one but I didn’t get the new one because the 20 days didn’t passed yet. I thought that when the 20 days passed from last appeal then I will get both new appeals.

Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

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Upgrades on edits? I just don’t see the benefit of that especially if I would think edits were something to correct an existing issue.

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While nothing has been said yet, I have started to get edit reviews from all around the US, not just my home and bonus locations. I had several from the NYC area late last night, live nowhere near NYC or have it as my bonus location, so it does appear that there has been some progress on the known issue with upgraded edits.

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Just to piggy back off of my last comment, 2 of my 3 upgraded photo submissions were accepted today. Now just waiting for some confirmation that it’s working, because it sure does.

Update: All 3 have now been approved!

im in NY, and i get stuff to review from all over the country, and some stuff from other countries. I RARELY get to review stuff from my actual area…


I’ve gotten a edits for statues and murals in Brooklyn, as well as edits for places in NV, GA, Seattle, Puerto Rico, etc.

In my area, during the winter months, submissions and edits slow down quite a bit, but now that it’s spring, they’re picking up, so I’m getting a mix of both new Wayspot submissions from my area and around the US, and in the last few days, edits from my area and around the US.

This will need to be fixed when edit Upgrades are confirmed working: Niantic Wayfarer


We get 2 appeals each 20 days, if I’m not worng. Maybe is just 1 each 20 days, I’m not sure. You can usea the appeals in edits or nominations, as you prefer.

Yes they increased it to 2 appeals each 20 days.

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Good improvement. People have been waiting years to get this!

So the appeals for waypoint rejections and edit contributions will be all under the same umbrella?

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Yes, appeals and upgrades will work in the same way for both!


I kind of wish removals requested were part of the contribution history


I am actually not looking forward to losing the location appeal via help chat for those that are <10m. Since I always get the “evidence” while I am there doing the edits. I assume we cannot send this via appeals. It means leaving a wayspot for a fountain in the middle of the fountain or a bench in the middle of a fenced off area that is trying to reestablish itself.

On another note 1 of my 2 appeals is not yet available. Perhaps they didn’t quite decrease the time yet. It has now been 21 days since my first appeal. My second one was 6 days later. Anyone else find it is still 25 days?

you will probably regain that one after midnight utc today? as that’s typically how it works.

Also, help chat >10m requests don’t seem to be limited to edits actually greater than 10m. I’ve requested shorter moves and had them approved. it’s always my go to rather than requesting in game


Hello, how do you access contribution management page?