Edits in Contribution Management Page - Discussion

If it is a duplicate, it will be displayed as rejected, but currently the image will be added to the existing Wayspot. I would like to make that part easier to understand.


So, I’ve had this happen before with edits, and can now confirm it’s an issue.

On April 29th, I submitted 2 location edits and 2 description edits. Both location edits are in queue still. One description edit is in Niantic voting, and the other description edit was in queue this afternoon.

However, I got my description edit that was still in queue while reviewing today! Not the first time it’s happened, but I was never able to confirm if it went into voting afterwards if I voted on it. Sure enough, a few minutes after I reviewed my own description edit, it went into voting, and without an upgrade.

I didn’t think about taking screenshots this time around, mainly because I wanted to see if my vote would change the status from in queue to in voting. Next time it happens, I will for sure take screenshots.

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glad I can see mine. my oldest is 729 days old :man_white_haired:t4: :heart_eyes:and a set of about 10 at 721 :older_man:t4:. Most are right around a year :heart_eyes_cat:so thats good right? haha. Wish we could withdraw edits. I have tons 1yr+ old, 25ish that I had forgotten about & wasn’t sure what happened to them so I did them again while I cruised by their locations. I assumed they were bugged or did not work. No way to tell. Would be nice to get those out of the systems and out of Emilys way so she can do her thang. I am loving the AI. With all these edits trickling through I can finally go back & finish the more than a couple handfuls of projects I had started that were stalled out.


Oh great haha. I have double digit cases where I resubmitted edits because they were 1 year or older and figured they had been discarded or bugged since nothing was happening and ten or so cases I made a title edit to something like a hard to spell park and would notice in the email I goofed on the spelling or something similar to those lines and since I could not edit my edits ha would resubmit it.
Nothing like having to worry about stuff like getting banned on the way to goest after spending thousands of dollars on travel and helping the game become what it is.

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It’s okay. I’m waiting for my ban for submitting and voting for trail markers :sweat_smile:

I hope you enjoy Go Fest. I’m going to Madrid.

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Nice! I considered going to the one in Madrid to see what other regions gofest are like. Been to every gofest here in the states since 2020 and almost all the other events like in Las Vegas. Love them but would love to venture out of the states and play other parts of the world. Unfortunately, well not really unfortunate, but my 4 week tripI have planned to Italy is 2 weeks after Madrids GoFest so timing not going to work this year. I have a pretty good feeling I will next year :rofl: Hope you have a blast at your regions gofest!

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2 of my US friends are going to Madrid, because the timing of the US one isnt great for them and they wanted to visit Spain, so that’s exciting! It’s turning into a bit of a meetup from people in different countries. :heart_eyes_cat:

London was the best for me as I hate travelling and I live near to London! I think/hope I can manage Spain though :grimacing: It’s definitely easier when things are within your country.

Back to edits… I’m also in a situation where I’ve got edits in queue or in voting from years back, some resolved ages back so my edits are now pointless… my oldest is more than 3 years old! Still in the queue :sob:

I welcome this change. The one thing I’m missing very, very much is the possibility to withdraw edits. I have an edit for a Wayspot from 3 years ago that has since been removed, for example.


I applied the upgrade to two title edits, but I am not sure of the effect. One was applied 36 hours ago and the other 4 hours ago. Should I wait a while longer?

There is no proof that upgrades applied to edits are doing anything. We have brought the matter to niantics attention.

Thanks for letting me know!I will take my time and wait.

I have updated 30+ edits (title, description, location, photo) 24 hours ago. My results largely reflect yours. I also did this on nominations that were In Queue and they are still In Queue (i.e. haven’t received a single vote).

My title edits that were already “in voting” were upgraded over 36 hours ago and have not been decided. I only upgraded the three that were driving me the craziest. I hope I haven’t doomed them to never being reviewed.

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My userscript indeed already does this, as well as making various other changes that I wanted, including:

  • Photo submission thumbnails now show the thumbnail of what you submitted in the menu, not the current Wayspot photo
  • Show all current Wayspot data. e.g. Location edits show the current Wayspot title, description and photo, not just the current location.
  • Add interactive satellite map.
  • Put the Wayspot title for Wayspot submissions back in the title position (!!) on the menu
  • Show whether the Wayspot is live or retired (so you don’t blow upgrades/appeals on something retired…)
  • Add ‘overturned’ labels to Wayspot edits that were rejected but the edit matches the current Wayspot data so it was either appealed or approved by resubmission

The plug-in is part of the Wayfarer Tools collection, but it isn’t on wayfarer.tools site yet. It can be accessed from GitHub - tehstone/wayfarer-addons

The plug-in is still under active development, so there will be tweaks, feature additions and bugs being worked on as I get more time.


Anytime something is added like this, you should wait a few months or more for it to actually start working! Basically, the actual testing starts when it’s released!

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I also upgraded two location edits. One was already in voting, one was in queue. Neither has moved.

Thank you for this, and all your work on the plugins. It’s fantastic work, and much appreciated.


Perhaps this was answered somewhere, but when we look at eventually submitted appeals for edits via contribution management page then will it ask for supporting evidence? Since streetview is usually not up to date or not available in more rural/forested areas. It will likely be awhile before I have an appeal to use on this, but just curious.

Are we gonna get invalid waypoint reports added to this as well. Because I’ve submitted a few recently and they have disappeared and not had a decision for some time for some. Normally quite quick.

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Is anyone surprised that upgrades aren’t working for edits, since they have been iffy with Wayspot submissions the last few months? Plus, the only edits I have been getting in reivew have been for my home and bonus locations, so that told me something wasn’t quite right.

It would be nice to get the 3 upgrades I used back, even though I’ve already been granted another and have more banked up.

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