Wayspot Title: plac zabaw statek
Location (lat/lon): Ingress
City: Łódź
Country: Poland
Additional Information (if any): this wayspot is existing place available for local community. It is romeved third time. Last time new submission was rejected but when I appealed then was accepted by Niantic so it looks it’s good wayspot. Now for some reason it is removed again. Can you tell me why sometimes Niantic are accept that wayspot and sometime they are romeved them ?
Can you provide some form of current evidence, for example a geotagged photos or a scaniverse splat. Enough information to show the object exists and its location. This will help staff review your case to check if it meets eligibility criteria.
Allotment garden in Poland. - An area of agricultural land divided into plots of land intended for garden cultivation and given to individuals for use, equipped with facilities necessary for garden cultivation and serving at the same time for recreation of allotment users and others. A person who has the right to use a plot in an allotment garden is called an allotment holder.
In this case, it is impossible to prove that it is a common part (is private, map in other post) especially since it has its own separate number (58) and there is a gate (not padlocked, admittedly, but this is the norm in such places).
All the portals you presented (5 linkst to other portals) are located on common parts (pedestrian paths). They are not located on private plots owned and paid for by one particular person. If you think they are incorrect, report the incorrect portal. I can prove without any problem that they are available to anyone who has access to the entire common area (has access to the gateway that revives the entire common area).
Pink area is for all owners. White areas with blue borders are private property.
xD widzę że cała teczka przygotowana na tę okoliczność. Tak swoją drogą różowe to są alejki zgodnie z legendą, a nie części wspólne ale mniejsza z tym.
Tyle zachodu dla i zaangażowania dla jakiegoś portalu w grze.
Niech się ktoś z Niantic wypowie co do tego portalu bo raz go akceptują potem usuwają i tak w kółko więc mogliby się w końcu zdecydować ale dopóki to kuje w oczy to dla mnie bomba xD
Thanks for the appeal, @pawsze. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire the Wayspot.