A Wayspot (Portal In Ingress) was removed from the game after 3 days when accepted Niantic.
I would like to ask to restore this Wayspot not understanding why is removed , maybe given not much informations.
Lets’ disscust below:
Wayspot Title: Galvės Sodu Eikštele
Location (lat/lon): 54.622766,25.108232
City: Vilnius , Traku Voke ,Galvės Gatve 31
Country: Lithuania
Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):N/A
Additional Information (if any): Is it not uncler why Wayspot is removed after 3 days then accepted.
This portal not a privat property ( all people to join for fun childrens too ) Add picture
To Wayspot u can drive and walk , not see any problems at all , there is no signs around that marks private residents ,There are no fence posts and only metal bars that prevent cars from entering the field (For secure childrens when in playground) Not a park any cars next to it . Picture add
Wayspot screenshot:
If any information is missing, let me know,
Awaiting for the answer.
Many Thanks,
Best Regards
Without having local knowledge, I would struggle to see how this isn’t on Single Family Private Property, especially with its close proximity to the family home. Is there any Government provided boundary maps that show this specific area not belonging to any specific property?
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Welcome to the forum @E2winkas666
I have nothing to do with making the decision, but would suggest you add more evidence that this is not SFPRP (single family private residential property) because it certainly looks like it is on satellite view and in the photos you submitted. If it is SFPRP, then the removal was correct, even if the homeowners allow kids to play there.
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I am the owner of this playground, this playground was made for all the children because there is no other place for the children of our community. That is why there is no fence, everyone can use it and there are no signs either. That is why it is planted as close as possible to the main road so that there is good communication and not hidden behind a private house.
Best Regard
Even if you allow the children to play there, this is SFPRP and is not allowed to be a Wayspot.
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I think you have just stated why it shouldn’t be allowed. It’s a private playground set, on private property. You might be ok with strangers coming onto your property, but if Niantic allowed this playground set, they would need to allow all private playground set on private property, everywhere.
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Many Thanks Now Understand .
Why did I suggest the playground because I have already met one like that in another place and there you cannot access it, you can only pass when the car gate is open and the same situation should be like mine. Thank you for working so quickly. I will create a new letter for you right away with another portal where only residents can use the playground.
picture add :
red X is wayspot
yellow is gates and fances no acces only resident
Wayspot Title: Memelhouse Vaiku Zaidimo aikštele
Vilnius Lithuania Osetinu gatve
Location (lat/lon): 54.652552,25.340519
If there is a Playground set that you are aware of that is on private property and is not accessible to the public, please do report it. Remember, some Playgrounds maybe public and accessible to a community but may not be classed as private.