Food pantry and little free library uncertainties

I know a little free library is acceptable if the location is also. I recall people began nominating food pantries since those were similar to little free libraries even though those were never stated as being eligible. I believe Niantic actually stated food pantries are to be rejected.
My friend and I went hiking yesterday. I enjoyed Ingress & Pokémon GO while we walked. Assume I found a Wayspot that was a food pantry and another that was a food pantry & little free library.
I don’t want to share locations but know where each is. How do I report existing food pantry Wayspots? Does the food pantry portion of the food pantry & little free library make that ineligible also? I know how to report other things using the mentioned games, except this is not reportable in either game app.

In Pokémon Go you can report it as a sensitive location and use the relatively new text box to include a supporting statement referencing that Niantic has previously clarified these to be ineligible as sensitive objects.

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Edit: sorry about the weird reply - a draft got merged.

I hope you can use your best judgement in this case. In the past, I’ve supported Little Free Pantries where the intent is sharing foods of different backgrounds and offering recipes. I think this can be a fun & creative exchange that promotes socializing and exploration. An example I just reported was at a local church where I often see people of need at which I think is definitely a sensitive location.


I guess I can give an example for the one that contains both. These are for the same one. I recognize the name but don’t know the person. Oh, I had that set for German. That is United States after Arkansas (AR).

Found it here:

35.068374, -92.46089599999999

Looks to be in front of a nursing home, at the edge of the parking lot. It’s hard to see on Street View; this is the best view I could find (I circled the blessings box):

And yes, blessings boxes are typically for food and toiletries, but this one seems to also accept books, too. Being this is a nursing home and there is a dialysis center nearby, I’m going to assume an employee at one of those submitted it.

At the top of this site is a link Reporting Abuse. Follow the steps there. It’ll then be in Niantic’s hands.

If they remove it, and it was a recent change, I imagine (but do not know), they might send a reminder message to the player who nominated and the reviewers (at least, I think they should).

If it is older, they might not bother with a reminder.

Despite the scary sounding name of Abuse, it is apparently the way catch spots that probably did not meet acceptance criteria, but also don’t meet removal criteria (thus filling that gap between them).

They can’t report in-app as they aren’t in the area; they’re in another country.

@1Todoelmundo Even if you do use the Reporting Abuse link at the top of the forums, this one may be hit or miss. This blessings box could have been set up to support the employees, or even those that go to this place for physical therapy services and other medical care. This isn’t even near the buildings, but at the edge of the parking lot, so I don’t see an issue with the location.

I just detailed a pantry removal request where I claim it was abuse. But I’d like to say that I believe general nominations of such pantries are not abusive and “doesn’t meet criteria” is not a removal option.

I mean, I can’t get Niantic to remove a Men’s Warehouse department store :man_shrugging:t2: