Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

Keep getting this after almost every review. Mostly have to click it a couple of times before I can go to the next review.

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recursed is still concidered as level 16


It seems some error loading at this now, maybe problem challenge connection?

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Not mine but I recognize the type. It is a very heavy duty plastic. I usually accept these with documentation that this is how the trail is marked, but might not accept that oneā€¦

You should have saidā€¦ Go outside and get to lvl 10. that takes like 1 multilayered field and some efford

While the top photo is lovely, i donā€™t think it will look good in the games. Game images look best when the main object is centered. Pretty photography often uses the rule of thirds, so things are not centered.

Plus, the lighting obscures the object too much. The point of the main photo is to easily identify the object. With it in silhouette like that, itā€™s not easy to see more than the basic shape.


Those NCN stickers should definitely be getting accepted if this were to class as a trail marker :joy::joy:

I donā€™t consider game specific motives. Iā€™m 2 gud a Wayfarer, fam. :innocent:

I do centre and do a 1:1 ratio on my pictures but for something like those I honestly think it wouldnā€™t matter.

When you spend more time wondering what the Wayspot is rather than looking at the pictures.


New error message ā€œTime out !ā€ after less than 20 seconds needed to evaluate a modificationā€¦
The challenge is going to be longā€¦ very longā€¦ with all these different error messages :frowning:


I wonder if yours is related to the issue they are investigatingā€¦

Iā€™m crossing fingers

Iā€™ve been getting the same message all today too. I think Iā€™ve been able to do seven reviews in the past hour and a half thanks to the ! refresh page. I wouldnā€™t stress about this too much at this point because the Ambassadors and staff are aware of the issues so many people have been having and once theyā€™re in the office theyā€™ll surely be working on solutions as soon as possible. Like you said, fingers crossed all is resolved soon! :crossed_fingers::blush:

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the top is not but guaranteed to be the current text. again, there is no data available on the page to know which is current. if you refresh the page you will see a different order and a different diff highlighting

hereā€™s an example I just came across. had to refresh three times before they swapped but itā€™s often easier to see with more options.


Impossible too review right now. Bouncing ballon 1 out of 5 times. Retry this action 3 out of 5 times. Mystical rating drops. And mostly local reviews.

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Our stretch of NCN 5 is almost all stickers

I fail to see how a national route is more or less valid based on the material the sign is made from!


New range of issuss

The timeout was after about 20 secondsā€¦

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Good afternoon, can anyone tell me the reason? Did I just have a vote today and Iā€™m stuck for 24 hours? Itā€™s absurd. Also since this morning he gave errors as he tries again at least a couple of times, and I have to wait 24 hours to be able to vote, this system is inconceivable, my medal has not advanced for about 1 year and more. There is someone who helps me understand this problem and can bring this situation to light thank youšŸ˜‰

The staff who can fix this issue are just now getting to work. We have alerted them to this problem. We hope they will be able to identify what is causing it and fix it easily, but we are waiting to hear back on that.


Same here - I havenā€™t found any that arenā€™t stickers! I finally got ONE accepted, but every other one was rejected.

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