Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

My Wayfarer rating has dropped from Great all the way down to Fair doing these reviews. I’m a little scared to do any more. Has anyone else had this?

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I had that one, to be fair. I don’t care what you do in the supporting photo. I found it kinda funny.

Mine hasn’t changed. I have done 839 it says. Although, I know I have wavered on a few and read some comments after I made my decision and now second guess what I choose. I think if you keep at it eventually it will level out.


When reviewing it constantly has a message to retry and takes forever to load sometimes. I hope everyone isn’t experiencing these issues.

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Yes, this has been happening more as of late, and throughout the challenge:

Same. I have been trying to submit my review and it doesn’t go and then I refresh and try again. It took a long time to get to another edit review which surprisingly was a duplicate of one I need a few weeks ago. Anyway it is basically spinning the balloon and/or saying retry now. So it appears I am done.

I’ve never gone past tier 1 (individual) before that I remember. Do rewards from tier 1 to tier 3 stack?

No, they don’t. Rewards info can be found here:

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Mural? Or bits of newspaper stuck on a wall?

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I rejected that for temporary.
Last night though so it’s interesting to see it’s still around.

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Yeah, I also rejected it. Can you imagine how greasy those newpaper clippings would be?

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I can only hope that they will extend the challenge, I’ve so many problems loading new records


yeah, i am not getting any reviews from US anymore, only locals . but in between many error messages and long waiting screens :frowning:
too bad it hasn’t been fixed since so long already

I reject most of the indoor nominations including the ones in malls etc.
How can I verify the accuracy, accessibility or altitude in a multi-storey space?

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ban plox kthxbai

You need to look at the information provided by the submitter. The standard Niantic established is for us to be “reasonably” certain that the location is accurate. We don’t need undying, definitive proof. There are plenty of ways that submitters can provide reasonable proof that they have accurately located a nomination inside.

For example inside large shopping malls, I will take the supplemental photo to show where the thing is in reference to a large skylight which can be seen on satellite. I explain that in the supplemental. Or I might provide a link to an online map of the mall so the reviewer can see where the store is located (or an “anchor” store nearby).


Obviously this is not a mural. I will often accept collections that celebrate a local sports team - it is a very cultural thing to do around here. People’s identities are defined by the teams they support (and don’t you Brits try to tell me that hooligans don’t take their footie devotion any less seriously).

This one is pretty lame. But this place is probably either pretty rural or pretty low-brow (country).

are there any news about the fix for the long waiting time and error messages?

I hate football (the :soccer: version). The fans are dangerous in my town, enough so that I wont go into the centre if there is a game. Normal sports gatherings do not require riot police but for some reason football fans do. But yes, there are fans whose entire life is about their team and I’m sure they arent all violent.

They could still have framed their cuttings, or done something to make their display look a bit less like a teenager’s bedroom. I would have approved something with more effort, or a good submission for the venue itself.

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Slight digression but football culture here runs way deeper than just hating your neighbour unfortunately.

The prime example being Glasgow where 800 years of religious, political and social hatred and violence is played out on a pitch and their everyday lives. Fans sing songs about k1lling Pope’s or Orangemen, the ra and King Billy even though the facts and reasons for those are long lost to most still alive.

My Protestant neighbours wouldn’t have grass in their garden because it was Catholic green.

They make Alabama-Auburn look like a fun day out for kids.

Normal service resumed
