Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

saying “none of the above” or “unable to find” is not skipping. it is doing the review.


I wouldn’t doubt it.

Just wondering, since this challenge will be the first with edits, should we still hold off on upgrading edits?

i was certain that they had just said again today to hold off on upgrading edits until they announce that it is fixed, but i can’t find it. i still haven’t learned to use the search feature for discourse yet.

A common mistake is the use of the words “板” and “版”. Both are pronounced HAN or BAN. When we Japanese input kanji characters on a device, we convert from phonetics and then select the kanji that appear in the list. This is due to an error in selection. If you type “keijiban” meaning “bulletin board,” it is OK up to “掲示(keiji),” but some people make a mistake in selecting “板(ban)” and “版(ban)”.
The kanji “板” means board, and “版” means version or edition or print. Therefore, the correct choice for a bulletin board is “板”.


I’ve heard nothing about the edit upgrades yet. Nothing has officially been confirmed by any of the admins, and the ambos haven’t received anything official either.

That and the withdrawal of edits have not yet been implemented.

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I’m ready to race around the world! Let’s go!


Oh goody, my first Challenge and hopefully I’ll no longer be swamped at work.


Could anybody add some examples how trailmarkers in the USA and Japan looks like?
Are there some kind of submittings where you guys could give us an advice before starting (like the US LDS thing)?

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Trail markers in the USA can vary greatly, depending on if the land is municipal, county, state, or federal, or even an unofficial but widely used trail. I’m only really familiar with ones in Alaska (where I am originally from) so I’m happy to try and find some examples of what you may come across if you get Alaskan trail markers. Gotta dig up some old pics and see if I happen to have anything/Google a bit to see what I can find to help.

Edit: Here’s a few examples of what you may find in Alaska.

An unofficial but widely used trail may have something like this:

(Credit to Christina Krause via all

State of Alaska owned/maintained trails look something like this, usually the signs are brown in color:

Photo by Brandon Cross

This is on property of the National Parks Service (Kenai Fjords National Park) I can’t guarantee that all of the other parks use the same kind of signs since I’m really only very familiar with this park, but signs like this are typical in my experience:

Credit to Linus Li


There is more info about said church here:

Is someone spamming Church of Latter Day Saints edits?

And yes, trail markers are extremely varied in the US.

Please include GOOD Ingress rewards. Give us a decent haul of items for the top tier. PLEASE.


That decission depends on the corresponding team, the same with PoGo rewards, not a Wayfarer decission if I’m not wrong. I’m quite a new player in Ingress but I was told that the Ingress rewards in the last Challenge were pretty good

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this already sounds like its going to be a nightmare… i want nothing to do with edits.

I don’t think it’s going to be as bad as we think it’ll be. Once you start reviewing edits in another language and are making sure everything is correct, you’ll get a hang of it.

Plus, you really don’t need to do as much for location and photo edits. You may want to translate the title for these, just to make sure you know what you’re looking for.

I’d really like to withdraw a couple of redundant or out of date edits, please also!



maybe this is going to clear out those redundant or out of date edits, but i would rather pull them myself


So long as there is the OPR Live badge tick, I think most Ingress reviewers will be happy with the rewards