Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

That’s what I’m worried about too. Maybe they accidentally assign reviewers even after approval, and so now we’re wasting our time marking tons of duplicates. At least I hope they won’t worsen the account rating

Wait, so you would reject an otherwise good waypoint even though a nominator went to the trouble to check out the website of the place? I’ve been adding links to my supplemental, so reviewers can see that what I’m talking about is real. Those web sites are not my own work… What do you want of us?

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somtimes the poi is only on ingress so if you look on pogo you didn’t see it

But they are using the exact same picture. Clearly spamming the nomination. Do they think it’s going to get rejected and they need to appeal everything.

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I am wondering if its a glitch like I got a few days ago where I submitted something once, the AI approved it very fast, then a copy of the nomination remained “in voting” and I got a rejection today.

It can be a great idea to check the website when nominating, editing, or reviewing. This helps you gain a deeper understanding of the venue.

One of the obligations that falls upon a nominator/editor is to avoid plagiarism. Read stuff, look around, think about it, then use your own words. You needn’t turn into the next Shakespeare or Joyce, but you must not copy verbatim. Even the machine-learning program knows how to google your description and report you if your description is already on-line in connection with your Point of Interest.

My comment was specifically about edits that propose to discard the description of a specific place in favor of some quotes from the parent religion’s homepage. We are supposed to use our own words to tell what is special or interesting, even unique, about a place, not just copy the title and description from headquarters.


I’m now spending an awful lot of time looking at this.


I’m stuck on the exact same screen too.

Edit: Finally got something to load and it’s another duplicate related to Ikki Kita’s gravestone. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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approx how long to load please

It was approximately 3-4 minutes for me. It started on the Niantic logo bouncing up and down over and over, then went to the exclamation point. I refreshed and repeated this process at least 7-8 times before I stopped getting the Niantic logo and it went straight to the exclamation point symbol. Then after that last refresh I got reviews again.

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You assume anything does load… nothing loads anymore without closing the page and re logging in

Repeat after 1-4 reviews

So I think thats me done for a while.

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Now my challenge progress of around 150 has reset to 0 and still can only load 1 or 2 reviews before it dies again

I assume we are being too efficient and it’s creaking under the strain

I think the duplicates are from when the initial nomination was rejected. So they nominated it again. Months passed, and they got impatient and appealed the first one. And it was accepted. Now we’re seeing the second one.

Long wait times are AWFUL. That’s why they were chosen for this challenge - to clear out the backlog so people don’t have to go to this much trouble.


The balloon is crashing. Throw an Ambassador out!


I suspect this happens when the review you’re doing reaches conclusion (from other reviewers) before you hit submit. Once you submit, it tries to save your vote in a place that doesn’t exist anymore, and increment counters that don’t make sense anymore.

At least, we know it was a bug six months ago (back to the beginning of time), that you don’t get credit for reviews that resolve before you submit. And as a software developer and tester for many years, it’s my educated observation that unhandled conditions cause growing problems.

Anyway: Hitting refresh seems to fix it and bring up the next review. BUT it resets your translate setting in Chrome, so you have to right-click and select translate again.

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Not sure which it is :sweat_smile:


Schrodinger’s Challenge


been getting long reload time and sometimes got the exclamation mark. is it my internet or the wayfarer?

Wayfarer. I’m having the same