Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

It is very common to have a translator mistranslate a similar character. Plus I often need to read what is in the photo in order to know which is the correct text, and a translator won’t do that. I review on desktop, and I search the photo with google to use the translate option there when needed, and I am still concerned that I may be missing some context.

You could have offered the advice that might be helpful to someone else without being nasty about it.


Their post is hidden, presumably for the nastiness, but I’d be up for any helpful advice. :grinning:

They were saying that on an iPhone you can select text and translate.

I mentioned how I translate writing in photos on my computer. I have a Chrome extension installed that will translate the text on the page.

The site has a translator you can install that gives another option. I think it is called DeepL


Oh yes. I know that is a possibility. I use Firefox. I remember translating my kids’ books when their French surpassed my own with my phone’s camera :rofl:
I will have to look at the wayfarer tools. I have some of them.

So no reviewing from our phone and we have to use Google translate. Got it. My point still stands. :smile:
Sorry, there’s just no good reason not to implement tools on the Wayfarer page itself to make reviewing smooth and easy. Like, zero good reason.

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I don’t have a laptop to use for this - I do everything on my phone. Luckily I just got a new phone (S24 ultra) which has some good translation options… but it seems like there are multiple languages so I’m skipping anything from Japan that is not in Japanese (or chosing the Japanese option if there is one)

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I’m in the same boat, haha. Just doing my best without access to a computer. I’ve been using my phone and Google translate and haven’t had any major issues so far. If I come across something that is utterly confusing or I can’t decipher what’s happening or Google Lens isn’t helping, I just skip it.

I do agree though that a built in translation tool and the other nifty plug-ins folks are using would be helpful as the default.


Where do you find that counter?

Its on the main page when you log into wayfarer

Daaahh, txh :slight_smile:


I’m currently at one nomination left :smiling_face_with_tear:

Now would be a perfect time to give us an upgrade and extra submission for 100 reviews…

One left? Out of 40 in Pokémon GO and 40 in Ingress?

79/80 used up? :scream:

I never played Ingress, not beyond a very low level.

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I’m enjoying this duplicates game :sleeping:


Free agreements?

But these are clearly nominations from years ago something the robots can pick off and I deal with actual current nominations before they get stuck in voting for years too.

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what the reward for reviewing japanese nominations ?

Read me

200 irrelevant bulletin boards because there is one per apartment block, 70 evacuation maps with one on each street in the town, 30 altars in the back or side garden of the rural house, playgrounds of dubious legitimacy and almost all duplicates with the same main waypot photo because it seems like they submit the same nomination multiple times. ZzzzzzZ.
It is normal that there is a general delay in reviews in Japan…
but caused by themselves…


I don’t think so. If these are nominations that are still in the system after being decided then we will not get agreements by rejecting or duplicating them